Follow Me

Saturday 30 March 2013


Evening all.....

So as promised I'm back with some candy...and this is to celebrate 3 years of blogging...and OMW that has gone soooo quick...and I cannot remember what I done before I had my little bit of cyber

So here it is..

One lucky winner will receive a £20 Lili of the Valley Gift Voucher....

and because it's my third anniversary..I am putting two surprise parcels together too..

So that's three prizes in total...:o)

So all you have to to do is leave me a wee would be nice to put a  picture of my candy on your blog...but it's not essential..and no candy only blogs...I do
and that's it...simples..!!

 This candy will run till midnight Saturday  30th good luck...!!

and I will announce the winners on Sunday 31st March...

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a mahoosive thank you to everyone who follows me...I'm overwhelmed with all your lovely comments....and I have also made some amazing friends along the way too..

So enjoy the rest of your are all stars...


fionalawlor said...

Hi Vicky :)
Happy 3rd Blogaversary!! Thanks so much for a chance to enter for this fab prize! I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona L x

Carol said...

WOW! Congrats on your third anniversary my special friend!! Your creations have just gone from strength to strength. You're amazing and thanks so much for the chance to win your awesome candy. Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

Margreet said...

Hi Vicky...congrats on your 3rd blogaversary...I think we know each other for about half that time and it is always (almost each day) a pleasure visiting you...thanks for giving the chance to win one of the 3 prizes!
xxx Margreet

Creations by Shirl said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogaversary Vicky! Plus many more to come...
You are so amazing and inspiring not only to me but everyone one in blogland....

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Congrats sweetie, what a fab candy, thanks so much for the chance to win. Look forward to seeing you again in April xx

Chriss America Real said...

Happy, happy anniversary my friend! Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful creations with us!



Jayvalikka said...

Thank you for the chance miss Vicky! :D Happy 3rd birthday to your blog :D It is such an honor to know a great crafter like you. A very generous offer thank you again :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogoversary Vicky and thanks for the chance to win such fab candy!
Helen x

Liesbeth said...

I love your cards, and I'm a follower for about 1 year? Congrats and I love to take a try on your candy.
Hugs Liesbeth

Aunty Sue said...

wow where has the time gone that 3 years has flown by. Thanks for the chance to win and help celebrate your anniversary. 1st of april would have been my wedding anniverary but thats a long story. tee Hee

andree said...

Big congratulations on your 3 years Vicky....just love looking at your wonderful cards, just so gorgeous all of them. Thanks for this chance, pic going on blog in a mo!
Andree xx

Mary J said...

And what a great three years it has been - long may it continue! Thx for the chance to win honey - have put on my side bar too


sue w. said...

Hi Vicky, hugest congrats on your
3rd blogaversary, how time flies when you're having fun eh!!
Well I for one love to come over and feast my eyes.
Big Hugs Sue W.

A Casa di Ale said...

Contraturazioni Vicky per iltuo anniversario e per le tue bellissime creazioni. Grazie per questa bellissima oppurtunita' e speriamo che la fortuna giri.
Ciao da Ale

Irene said...

3 years Vicky that's something to celebrate and thanks that you include us too!!!! From your stunning cards I had the impression taht you were active in blogland for many many years..natural talent I guess.anyway...thanks for all the inspiration and the giveaway!!!

xx Irene

Marlene Atkinson said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogaversary, thnak you for all your inspiration and this gorgeous giveaway. Marlene

Lydia said...

congrats honey ! I've put a piccy in my side-bar xxx

Sue said...

BIG congratulations on your 3 years of blogging.
I would like to say a massive thank you to you Vicky. I first discovered your blog about a year ago via Do-crafts and it was partly thanks to your inspiration that I decided to start my own blog 8 months ago. It was one of the best things I ever did!!
Thanks for the chance to win too!
Hugs Sue

Kelly Lloyd said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogevesary Vicky.
Thanks for the chance of winning some candy,
Hugs Kelly

Daniele said...

congratulations Vicky on your third anniversary, heres to the next year

Mojca said...

Congrats Vicky for 3rd birthday of your blogg! I love visiting you and seeing all of your beautiful creations!Thank you for the chance. hugs! Mojca

Ali said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Ooh all shiny and new too - :-) Thank you for the chance to win - off to pop a link in my sidebar xxx Keep up your beautiful work xxx

Tanya said...

Happy 3rd blogaversary Vicky, here's to many more years! Your cards are fantastic, I love coming and looking at them :)

Thanks so much for the chance to win, I'm off now to put it in my sidebar :)

Tanya xx

marion said...

Three years anniversary and three prices, wow, many thanks for you generousity. I will put it in my sidebar, many thanks for a chance on winning. You make such lovely cards, have a fab evening, hugs, Marion

Tkat said...

happy blogaversary!!!! thanks for the chance :)

Craftyrose said...

Oh hunny, you are a pleasure to know, out here in blog land. I too look forward to reading all the lovely comments you leave me on my blog. It's heartwarming that you always take a few minutes to check out what other people are doing too and your comments always mean the world to those who's work you comment on. Thank you for your time and for being truly are the one who is a star. <3

Wendy said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogaversary Vicky...where did that time go!Your creations are always so gorgeous and it's a pleasure to visit your blog.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Wendy xx

deesdesigns said...

Congrats on 3 years of blogging! Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies by. I look forward to each of your postings - you are truly and inspiration, I LOVE all of your projects. Thank you for sharing your creativity with me and the rest of blogland. Here's to many, many more years - cheers!

Robin said...

Congratulations on 3 years! I hope to make it there too. I will be putting you on my sidebar. If your interested my sister also has blog candy.

I love all your creations. I'm a follower and have been for awhile. I do enjoy your work. hugs, Robin

Debs M said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogaversary - your on my sidebar! x

Rebecca/Sydney's Sentiments said...

Congratulations on making it 3 years! Your coloring is fabulous! I so love it. Thanks for a chance to win. BTW, I have some candy too if your interested.

Claire said...

WOW 3 years (the same as me) but I can't believe how many followers you have - well I can, your work is so fabulous and always inspiring hun. It's always a pleasure to visit and comment. Thanks for the chance to win some amazing candy and here's to many more years. Hugs and love, Claire xxx

Ea Christiansen said...

Happy 3rd anniversary - can't wait to see what you'll do next. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous prize - or maybe a surprise ;o)I just love LOTV stamps.

Karen R said...

Haven't been following your blog for long but love what you do and look forward to seeing your new creations. Happy blogging.

mags said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary. Love popping by your blog to see your amazing creations. Your work is gorgeous.
Thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy.

May said...

Congrats Vicky on your 3 years in blogland...& Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.. Hugs May x x x

Wishcraft said...

Lol, seriously I sometimes think we share a brain... I put my blog candy on this evening and it's so similar to yours it's scary - promise I didn't copy you!!

Congrats on 3yrs of blogging, and thanks for the chance to win your fab candy :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Denise Goeldner said...

Awesome 3yrs time certainly goes fast , your creations are lovely get so much joy viewing, thanks for the chance to win some celebration candy hugs xx

Diane's Card Designs said...

Congratulations on your 3rd Blogaversary. Thank you for the chance to win the candy. I'll put it in my sidebar.
Diane xx

greenize said...

Congratualtions Vicky on you're 3 years of blogging! I do love your cards and inspiration, but not sure how you find time to do it all and now you have a beautiful new puppy to add to your day! Such a beautiful puppy too - just love them! Thanks for the chance to win the candy!
Hugs, Donna (rubberstampin at yahoo dot com)

Mary-Anne V said...

Congratulations on reaching 3 seeing your creations!

Craftdee said...

Congrats on your Blogiversary :-) I know what you mean about not knowing what you did pre-blog! I too love the friendship-factor in blogging. Hope your journey in the land of Blog continues to be a happy one, Donna xx

Ardilla said...

Happy blogaversary... I am also around my 3rd one :)
Thanks for the chance!

Dafi✿ said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Vicky!
Your cards are truly adorable. Thanks for the inspiration:)
Dafi x

Loopylou. said...

hiyah Vicky!!
happy bloggyversary hunny!!! I know you brighten up my reader everyday with your gorgeous creations and awwww super cute puppies too!!! :)
huge hugs Lou xxx

maxine said...

Hi Vicky congrats on your blogoversary, I love to pop by your blog to see your wonderful creations x

Claudia said...

Happy blogaversary!!I like very much your creations!!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Moni said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary. Lovely candy and thank you for the chance. Hugs,moni

alethea said...

Happy Blogaversary!! OOhh wow, thanks for a chance to win!! HUgsxx

Cathy said...

Wow Vicky, is it really 3 years!!!! Congratulations, I love visiting or blog.
Cathy xx

Sassy Raggedy said...

Hi Vicky, I love the look of your blog now and congrats on 3 years. You have had some wonderful creations and I have your candy posted on my blog. I always admire everything you do and have to say I have spent a fortune on dies because of your cards! lol But I love them....Congrats and thanks for the chance to win. joann sassy raggedy

Christine L said...

Hi Vicky... Happy 3rd!! Pop my name in the pot too please?

Christine x

Mau xx said...

Congratulations Vicky, dosen't the time fly when we are having fun :)
You have always inspired us, I adore your creations and would recognize them anywhere.
Thanks Sweetie.
Huge Hugs Mau xx
pic will be on sidebar shortly

amanda stokes said...

Hi Vicky!
Happy 3rd blogoversary! Its a pleasure coming to visit your blog and looking at your gorgeous creations :)
Amanda x

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

ohhhhh a huge congrats vicky! that is just too exciting :) i love your gorgeous work and know you will be around for many more years :D thanks so much for your lovely candy and chance to win :D

Sonia said...

Happy happy happy 3rd blogaversary dearest Vicky,It's a pleasure follow your fabulous cards^_^
I added your candy on my sidebar,thanks for the chance to win^_^

Annemie said...

Hey Vicky,
happy 3rd anniversary! I love your creations, and i post your candy on my blog.


Jenny said...

Congrats! 3 years - wowzers.... Love your creations. I know what you mean about blogging. love the creative outlet :) Jen xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow,congrats on your 3rd blogaversary. I love your cards and your ímage coloring so much.
Big Hugs from Germany

Kerryn said...

3 years?? wow that's flown past. I always love seeing your cards and posts, even though they do make me spend more money! lol
Thank you for the chance to win a lovely prize! xxxxx

Jude said...

Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging Vicky. I love visiting your blog and your creations are such an inspiration.
Here's to another 3 amazing years! And thank you for the chance to win some candy.

Big hugs

Donna said...

Wow 3 years, well done Vicky and happy's to the next 3 years! Always love visiting your blog as your work is so inspirational. Thanks for the chance to win such fab candy :) Donna ♥ x

Bev Henwood said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky ~ love your blog and visit most days. What smashing candy ~ thank you for the chance to win. Bev xx

Sharon said...

I am not surprised you have so many followers Vicky your cards and blog are stunning. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy.
Hugs Sharon. x

Bad Kitty said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary!
I love your cards!
thanks for the chance to win such candy!

Nikki said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary and thanks for sharing it with us I've added a link in my sidebar to share hugs Nikki


Happy Blogavesary Vickie
thank you for the chance
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Shelly said...

Hello Vicky! Congratulations on your blogaversary... 3 years! I have to say yours is one of my fave blogs, it's such a pleasure to visit! I love your beautiful creations, always an inspiration :) Keep it up hun! Thank you for offering a prize, very generous indeed! love Shelly xx

Gibmiss said...

Hi Vicky
Congrats on your 3yesrs of blogging... Thanks for the chance to win your cand Vicky
Hugs Sylvie xxxx

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Vicky.
He he - what on earth did we do with all our free time before blogging? :-)
Thanks for the chance to win.
Caroline xxx

kbrandy4 said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogaversary Vibky and thank you so much for the chance to win your fabulous candy!!
Hazel xx

Teresa said...

Congratulations Vicky on your 3rd Blogaversary, (I can here the party poppers from here) Thanks for the chance to win some amazing candy and also for the wonderful inspiration you've bought us over the past 3 years. Hugs Teresa xx

Irene said...

Congratulations on 3 years of blogging, love visiting your blog, and thanks for the chance to win your candy xx

Hanneke said...

Happy blogaversary Vicky! 3 years already! I hope you will continue to enjoy blogging for a long time. Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs, Hanneke

Lorna said...

Congratulations on your 3 year blog anniversary Vicky,thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy

Hugs Lorna xx

Lisa xx said...

Goodness, time flies when you're having fun! Thank you for offering such a generous prize Vicky xx

Anreda said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary ! Thanks for these great candy, love the fab prize...
Hugs, Anreda

Debs said...

Huge congrats on your 3 years Vicky - always a pleasure to come and visit. You a such an inspiration - thank you and thanks for the chance to win some scrummy candy.
Debs xx

ps Here's to the next 3 years :o)

ellyscard creatief said...

Gongratulation on your 3 blogversary
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful candy .
Gr Elly

Crea Astrid said...

Wowww, what a beautiful candy. I put it on my blog. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Nice weekend.

Hugs, Astrid.

Mary Lou said...

Vicky this is AWESOME!!!! You are so kind and giving!!!
Love your talent and appreciate the chance at some of these special LOTV stamps!!!
Hugs and blessings


wow congratulations Vicky on your 3rd anniversary. I love your blog, and you are so talented.
Kirsty xxx

Carole said...

Wonderful candy Vicky! Happy 3 years, look forward to the next 3!

Carole xXx

Leanne said...

Happy Blog anniversary. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Sue Nicholson said...

Hiya Vicky, congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary, best wishes for the next year. Your prize is lovely, been using LOTV since they started many years ago. Congrats again cheers Sue N x

xxxtglxxx said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogvesary hun! :) Fabulous achievement and your blog is packed full of gorgeousness!

Always such a pleasure to visit your blog and feel inspired! :)



Shazza said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vixx, thanks for the chance to win x

Isabelle Linnér said...

Congratulations for your three years as a blogger. Always fun to peek in and look at what you've done. It gives many ideas and inspiration :)
Hug Isabelle

Rachel said... exciting! A third blogoversary! Congratulations!

Thanks for the opporunity to win...I have my fingers crossed!
Wedgie xxx

Camellia Cards said...

I will have my fingers crossed.

Three Years, wow, I've only just started mine!! Now just need to figure out to add 'buttons' on my blog!!

Thanks for the chance, I will keep my fingers crossed.

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

wow girl :)

Rosalee said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky. Such a wonderful giveaway to celebrate. Thanks so much for the chance. I've linked to my sidebar. Someone is going to be really lucky.
Hugs, Rosalee

Lynne in NI said...

Happy Blogaversary Vicky! Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy :)

Tanja E. said...

Hi Vicky :)
Happy, happy 3rd Blogaversary:))
Thank you for a chance to enter for this great giveaway.
And thaks for sharing your beautiful art with us.
Hugs, Tanja.

Unknown said...

Hi Vicky, I'm doing some catching up today and find you have your 3rd blogaversary coming up!!! So we started our blogs nearly at the same time, can't believe it ha ha :) Thank you for the chance to win, keeping my fingers crossed. Hugs xxx

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

That's so generous Vicky! 3 years, wow!! It's been so fun to watch your style change and grow just over the last year+ that I've been blogging! I love your designs and I'm constantly inspired and frankly blown away with your creativity. You are definitely one of my fav' blog visits!! Love that your blogaversary falls on my birthday too! Big hugs to you, Wends xxx

Unknown said...

wow three years ..time flies when your having fun!!!! congrats and thanks for the chance of some goodies hugs sassyxxxxx

The Crafty Blonde said...

Happy blogaversay Vicky, thanks for the chance to win this fabby candy xx

Elena F said...

Thanks for a candy and for a chance to win. Is fantastic. Elena.

Jo Walker said...

Congratulations on 3 years of brilliant blogging! Thanks for the chance to win a prize too x

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversaty sweetie. May you have many more
Anne x

Karen P said...

congrats on your 3rd blogday Vicky and thank you very much for the chance Karen x

Jean said...

Congratulation on your third blogaversary, hope you have many more. Your blog is so inspiring xx

Wenche said...

Lovely candy.

Julie P said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful candy, I've been a follower for a while now and love your work
Hugs Julie P

Laura said...

Wow Vicky 3 years thats a great achievement! Thank you for the chance to win such gorgeous goodies, will pop you on my side bar.
Laura xx

Linda . J said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky Thanks so much for a chance to enter beautiful candy I have added it to my sidebar.

Hugs Linda

Meggi Bischoff said...

oh, das ist das großzügig. dahüpfe ich gleich in den lostopf.
vielen dank

glg meggi

Evil Edna said...

happy blogaversey hon! long may co-ordinated cuteness rule on, please do count me in for the generous voucher.EE

KathR said...

Wow, congrats on your third blogaversary...

Neha Jain said...

congrats :)

SARA said...

congrats!!!!!!! buon anniversario hugs

Flowergirl said...

Happy 3rd Bloggaversary! It's always lovely to visit your your blog, sorry I've not been to see you for a while! Just getting back into blogland!
Thank you for the chance to win x
Wendy x

Ciska said...

Happy blogoversary Vicky, hope your blog is going to be around for years to come :)

Pavana said...

Congrats... I'm a new follower.. looking fwd to seeing more of ur creations...

Barbiedi said...

Wow just found your blog, your cards are fab, i love the way you colour coordinate, they are very inspirational, thanks for chance to win and well done. x

Nikki Byrne said...

Fabby candy Vicky and congrats on 3 years of blogging Hugs

Berina RGA said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!! thanks for the chance to win this candy!!

downrightcrafty said...

congratulations doesn't time fly when you enjoy yourself, I am sure some one is going to be so lucky to receive one of your lovely prizes and fingers crossed from me
Hugs Kate xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!

Thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance Vicky put a pic on my sidebar.
Chris x

Chrissy said...

Congratulations on 3 years blogging Vicky, always a pleasure to visit you, always an ispiration.
Thank you so much for the chance to win your generous candy..


Anita said...

Congratulations on your three year blogaversary Vicky!

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversary sweetie:)
May you have many more, which I'm sure you will with all your fabby creations.
Anne x

Unknown said...

happy anniversary... thank you for the chance... love your blog...
Kim M

Tamara Morton said...

Happy 3rd Blogoversary and what wonderful candy.. Fingers crossed xx

Jan said...

Happy 3 wonderful years of pure inspiration Vicky, Hugs xx Jan

Karen Davies said...

Happy Blogversary Vicky,

You produce some amazing cards. Love them all.

Karen x

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

Happy 3rd!!!
Much love

Debbie said...

Gosh Vicky how quick has that gone!
Congrats, here's to the next three, keep crafting. DebbieX

Kay said...

Your cards are so lovely. Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize. I love LOTV.
Happy 3rd Blog Birthday. XX

Sam said...

Hi Vicky,

Thanks for offering us the chance to win your blogaversary candy. Love your cards :)
Link is in my sidebar.

Have a fab day x

Janine said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky. Love to stop by and see your wonderful creations.
Hugs, Janine xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations and Thankyou, have added to my sidebar, Mary x

Kathleen said...

Happy Blogaversary Vicky, here's to your next 3 years Kath x

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky, always check out your Blog - such inspiration,keep up the lovely work, Hugs Jean Prescott xx

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary Vicky! I've put a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Stressed Stamper said...

Hey hun - been with you through think and thin - so cheers and raising a glass to may more years
Sarah xxx

SUZYD said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky.Many thanks for the chance to win the wonderful candy.Suzyd x

La Tortuga Pecosa said...

hello! have a very cool blog, congratulations! I leave my blog for you to visit and / or follow

Greetings from Spain and ... congratulations!

Grenouille Greetings said...

There just happens to be some new LOTVs I've got my eye on so it would be wonderful to win, Vicky. Thank you for the opportunity! Hugs, Lesley

Unknown said...

Happy 3rd blogoversary hon! Im a new follower and have the giveaway on my sidebar.

cebelica said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary. Time passes quickly, doesn't it?
Thank you for the chance to win this candy. This is very nice of you. Hugs! xx

Whisper said...

Happy 3rd Blogoversary - gee i can't believe i haven't congratulated you yet, i must be loosing it !!, Luv Sam x

Clairebears said...

Congratulations on 3 years! Your blog and cards are soooo inspirational :0)
Love Clairebears x

CJ said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary Vicky. Congratulations.

Thank you for being an inspiration.

Thats a great candy you have offered. Thank you for the chance.

Have placed a link to your candy on my blog sidebar.


Gail said...

happy 3rd anniversary, I have only recently discovered your blog, and i appreciate the chance to win this fab candy. Gail

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, such beautiful cards, you always give inspiration. Thank you for the opportunity to win these fabulous prizes.

Laney said...

Congratulations Vicky on your blogaversary!! and what a wonderful blog it is!!so much inspiration

AnyOldCraft said...

A huge congratulations on your 3rd anniversary hun :)

sandy's crafty bits said...

oh my word vicky I just love visiting your blog it is amazing and thank you so much for the chance to win your lovely blog candy ... have added you to my side bar ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

Michelle said...

Hello Vicky, I am a new follower of your blog via Any Old Craft. I have a blog but have never posted to it but hope to soon. (Nerves are holding me back a bit I think)!! I don't know how to put your blog onto mine but I am trying to find out. Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog and have a lovely Easter.

Michelle E x

cardmaking bird said...

Wow! Happy 3rd blogaversary!! Hope you're well? Sending hugs, hun. Marie xx

Martina said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary! Wow! This is really something to celebrate and what a lovely idea to share your Anniversary with us! Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Easter to you!

An Occasional Genius said...

Happy blogaversary Vicky, I always love seeing your creations, even if I don't pop across as often as I'd like to.

Hugs xx