
Saturday 14 April 2012


Afternoon all.....

Well I had a fabulous time at Ally was so lovely to go with my gorgeous friend Teresa and the sun was shining too..a perfect day to shop...hehehe...

Ooh I spent a few do you want a peek..??

Well here goes...

 An over view of goodies... :o)

 I bought my first Smash Book...! I thought I could journal my favourite stamps, colour combo's and any ideas I get when looking round all your beautiful blogs...!

 I then went to Hobby House stand and got more pearls and some lovely ribbon roses..Mmmmm...

Got my fave photo glue and gel from Pinflair...and some double sided tape too...10 rolls for £5..!

 You can also see I bought some more LOTV stamps...10 in total and the grunge corners too..:o)

Popped over to Crafters Companion and bought the new Paintbox Poppets stamps...they are so gorgeous and very, very cute...!

and I got some lovely hearts and pegs from Meiflower....

I then popped over to Craftwork Cards...just a wee disappointed cos' they didn't have the bigger packs...and their prices have gone up too :o(

 You can also see I got the smaller Tonic Guillotine..(bought the larger one last time..) and my original smaller one from X-cut was getting blunt...(I have had that one for 8yrs...!!) and a 12" glass mat too..

You can also see I got more pins...lovely colours from The Hobby house..!

and yep I got some more Hessian, tags and finally some Copics...!
Teresa sorted the colours out for me ( lovely skin and  dark hair tones)...and I so like the soft, brush tips...very similar to it looks like I might have to start collecting them!

We also met up with Marianne...she is so lovely and it was fabulous to meet up again for a wee chat..

So I hope you likey.....I have a few day's off now to play...not back to work till Thursday...woohoo..!

So that's all from me...hope you enjoy the rest of the day...and I'm off now to have a bite to eat...all this shopping gives you a bit of an


  1. You really want to get me jealous, dont you :) Just kidding! This is really yummy Vicky! And I am certain that you'll creat many lovely thing out of this. Can't wait to see them! Hugs! Mojca

  2. oh my goodness it sure looks like you had a great time ... how super and you even have some time off work to have a play ... you deserve it honey ... have fun and looking forward to seeing some of your lovely creations ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  3. gorgeous goodies, have fun playing.
    Chris x

  4. Hi Vicky, wow, looks like you had a fab time. Can't wait to see what you make with all these lovely items. The poppets stamps look fabby, think I'll check those out too! Enjoy tea and your days off.
    Hugs Sue W.

  5. Hi Vicky.... what gorgeous stash that is... I just love sharing in other people's joy, especially when it comes to new stash!! Woohoooo... you have FUN now whilst you're at home. We can't wait to see what you'll be creating next. hugs Sharon

  6. O wow Vicky he he sooo many lovely goodies, you will have to many lovely days playing with those :D and have fun on your days off.. I'm sure you will :D Hugs xxx

  7. Wow Vicky, looks like you had a fab day - so many gorgeous goodies! I is jealous LOL!
    Love, Andrea xx

  8. Mmmm so you have been naughty then. Well I always say I've worked for it so why not buy things I like. Enjoy your new goodies and enjoy your days off to play with them.

    Kat xx

  9. OMG!!! I'm sure you have bought lots of stuff you really don't want so just send them over to me ♥♥ moahaha

    Can't wait to see what you do with the Smash Book ♥

  10. wow look forward to seeing these goodies on your cards.EE

  11. Hi Vicky, how sweet you are. What a lot of lovely stuff you bought. I'm on my way home so will post some pics tomorrow. It was lovely to meet you again and your friend Teresa too.

  12. Hi Vicky,sound like you had a good day hun and look at your new stuff.........yummy!!
    XXX Heidy

  13. Wow, I'm droooooling! Looks like you had great fun, and i really can't wait to see what you create! Jo x

  14. Ooh fabulous new goodies hun, looks like you had a good time :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  15. wow - looks like a veritable treasure trove - I don't want to think about the price!!! Glad you had lots of fun - there's nothing quite like a craft fair!!! Hugs Rachel xx

  16. Hi Vicky Hun,
    It's so lovely to see all your new crafty bits so beautifully laid out and wow, there's a lot of delish bits there isn't there? Glad you like the copics..I have a feeling another storage cabinet will be required soon from Steve :) Thankyou so much again for a lovely day :) Big Hugs, Teresa xx

  17. Wow, what fabulous stash you bought at Ally Pally! You'll get hooked on the Copics, I think! So pleased you had a brilliant time. Hugs, Tracey xx

  18. Hi Vicky,
    You sure filled your boots lol,your new stash looks delish,can't wait to see your makes with them :) x

  19. Oh Wow you look like you had a fun day shopping and i look forward to seeing what you do with it all, Luv Sam x

  20. Looks like you have had a great day, enjoy playing with your new yummy stash.
    Sally. x

  21. am going green,wish i could have gone,enjoy your new goodies,x

  22. Sounds and looks like you had en expensive day out - so glad you got all those fab things - now when are you sharing them out he he!!?? Have a great break from work. Looking forward to seeing loads of lovely cards with all your fab new goodies, Sheila:)X

  23. Wow, certainly looks like you enjoyed yourself. Sue x

  24. Such lovely goodies Vicky! Can't wait to see all your lovely creations. Sounds like you had a fun time! Luv & Hugs, Trish x

  25. Wow - looks like you had a great time! Lots of lovely stash to play with. Good job you didn't have to fly home with all that glue! - my friend got stopped by security on our way home from the NEC because she had one wee tube of glue - we didn't even realise it wasn't allowed!

  26. Wishing you lots of pleasure with those fab goodies...enjoy your free time!
    xxx Margreet

  27. wow love the new goodies, have fun x

  28. you sure have spent some, I love the roses and pearls from Hobby House. I only brought one LOTV sstamp when I went to the NEC as they were OOS of the newbies
    have fun playing

  29. Wow fab goodies!! I'm so jealous!!! Enjoy your days off, and playing with your new goodies!

    Hugs Ann xxx

  30. Wow! Looks like you had fun today, so jealous......

  31. Put the kettle on !!! I'm coming over for a play !!!!!!!!!
    WOW love everything that you bought !!!!! enjoy all your playing !!!

  32. oh wow Hun,I am so drooling,just love all your goodies,Hun,cant wait too see what you make hugs Cherylxxx

  33. Tee hee Vicky

    You couldn't see much you liked the look of then ?!?!? LOL!!

    You are going to have a fabby time playing with all of these lovely goodies .. .. what a bonus you have all those days off work!!

    Have fun!

    Love Jules xx

  34. Looks like you had a fab time Vicky. Wish i could have been there too
    hugs Sarah x

  35. Wow Vicky, looks like you and a good time today. Enjoy your few days off, can't wait to see what you come up with using your new stash.

    Thanks for letting me know where my image is from. Tinaxx

  36. Oh Vicky, I want to come play with you and your new goodies ;) Looks like you had a fabulous time. Enjoy your days off too sweetie.

  37. Wow Vicky you had a good day, I'm sorry I didn't make it now.

    Where do you find the time to craft, post & keep on top of commenting, I'm very impressed you put me to shame!

    Happy crafting
    Carole xXx

  38. ooooooohhhh squeee major squeeee vicky!! what an awesome haul!! wow I am drooling! where did you get the smash book hun? I am soooo desperate for a real one, using my art journal sketch book at the minute but it just doesn't feel the same!!!
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  39. Hi Vicky
    Wow fabulous goodies cannot wait to see what you make with these
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  40. Wow so many lovely things, now you just have to use them. I can see you had a fab day!
    Hugs xx

  41. Wow, you did really well! Glad you had a good day's shopping!

    Susan x

  42. Vicky, I was just wondering do you have a spare room by any chance? I'd love to come and visit you! Nothing to do with the fact that you've just brought loads of new goodies to play with - nope nothing to do with that at all. It's that I feel I would be perfect as your newest, bestest friend ever!



  43. What an awesome collection! :) I bet you wont know where to start! lol

    Enjoy playing with them, and I cant wait to see what you make :)



  44. Looks like you had a great day Vicky. Lots of lovely new goodies. I came home from there today laden down with three bags full of stuff. But it was all needed lol.

  45. OMG Vicky! Totally jealous, what an amazing collection you got! I'm gonna hopefully save up and look at going to Ally Pally next year. I feel as though I am missing out :)

    Seems like you had a fab time! xx

  46. Wow, that looks like a fabulous haul,Hun! Understanding the many rolls of tape, now, too!! Enjoy playing:0) Susie x

  47. Never mind 'want a peek'... I want to come and play!
    Christine x

  48. Aww Vicky looks like you had a great time with some yummy goodies! Hugs Rebekah xx

  49. Wow what a gorgeous load of stash! xx Jenny xx

  50. It is so nice to read that you enjoyed your day!! And what a great , cute, yummy stuff you bought. Have fun playing!!
    Have a nice and creative sunday, liefs Mary

  51. Jealous!!!!! Enjoy your goodies, can't wait to see your creations :)

    hugs Vicky x x x

  52. Wow, what an amazing stash, can't wait to see what you make with it all!
    Helen x

  53. WOW!!! what a lot of gorgeous goodies, did you have to bring them in stealth like, or do you have an understanding hubby - lol xx

  54. I'm so green!

    Looks like you had a fab time! Can't wait to see what you come up with. You lucky bugger you!

    Berni xx

  55. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh, yummie stuff!!! Nothings like a good shopping day! Can't wait to go to the fair in Germany next Saturday.... woo hooo!
    xoxo, Alessandra

  56. Hi, was also there, wasn't it fab, my first time! Looks like we have the same taste, also got lots of bits and pieces and be careful those Copics are addictive, have fun playing, take care, Doreen x

  57. OMG Vicky that's some serious shopping Mrs! I love it all, it looks just like what I might have chosen lol - as they say on that TOWIE thing - well Jell!
    Hugs Laurie xx

  58. WOW! your sure bought a lot! dead pea green.
    Love the Hessian, can't wait to see you use all your wonderful goodies.
    Love, Mel. xxx

  59. Yes, you and Teresa certainly did have a lovely time together! Nice to hear that you two both enjoyed the fair so much and boy, that's some loot you've got yourself here girl ;-) Enjoy! Big hugs, Ira xox

  60. Mega jealous!!!! Havnt been to any carft shows this year so far :( looking forward to seeing what you do with it all especially your smash book! Rach :) xx

  61. Lucky, lucky you. so much lovely stash. Just jealous. Enjoy using it. Elaine

  62. Wow! So much lovely stash! Glad you had a good time, look forward to seeing what you make with you new goodies x
    Wendy x

  63. WOW! I am so green right now! :D Enjoy your new goodies hun :)

  64. Evening,
    Lucky you. You and your friend really had a good time and you know how to shop I see:)
    Enjoy your new things and I´m looking forward to see what you create with it.
    Take care


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx