
Saturday 24 September 2011

LOOK WHAT I GOT...... :-)

Afternoon all......

Well I had a brilliant time at Ally Pally.....Spent far to much money and it was so lovely to meet up with the lovely Lynne, Wendy, Marianne, Lyndsey and Lisa....hello girls...!.....I cannot wait to go back next year....! you want to have peep at my new goodies ?? goes lol....

My new stash.....

Pearls, Go Kreate large circles/large Scallop circles, Button punch & Tatty Button Stamps x 2

Hing clips, Hessian, Wooden Embellies x 2, Bakers Twine & Memento Ink Pad

Oops......I think I got a few Lili of the Valley a couple of Gorjuss girls too...

Also hiding are some charms...!

I also got some core essentials...Pinflair Glue Gel and Photo Glue
6 x 6 card bags

Well I hope you like my new bits n pieces....and I got some Sugar Nellies thro' the post too....I think I'm gonna be busy....hehehe...

hope you all have a lovely evening...and don't forget the X-Factor..!

Catch ya laters....


  1. OMG what a fab stash, you are going to be a busy girl.
    My hubby is away, so I am going to start to scrapbook n a mo and do it all night. Yipee.
    Have a lovely play. Debbiexx

  2. OOOh! Wow Vicky, what lovely stash - just a few LOTV stamps (he he) Wish I had gone now! Enjoy! I'm looking forward to X Factor too, of course! Hugs, Teresa x

  3. wow fabby not jealous..much!

  4. Wow Vicky, so many gorgeous goodies! Look forward to seeing what you make with them :o) Lisa x

  5. looks like you've spent a few pennies there Vicky, my hubby said he'd take me tomorrow but it will take 2 hours to get there so i told him I'd have the petrol money he would have spent and go to the Nec in November, hope you had a fabbie day

  6. I'm so pleased you had such a great time at Ally Pally! Your stash looks lush - it'll keep you busy for weeks! Hugs, Tracey xx

  7. I'm so jealous of all your new stash. Glad you had fun,
    H xx

  8. Wonderful stash Vicky. Looking forward to seeing what you make with it!
    I'm pleased you had a great time. TFS xx Jan

  9. OMG - are you going to have some fun - especially with all those LOTV stamps :0)
    Denise xx

  10. Hankies at the ready, WOW you are certainly going to be busy you wont know what to use first, gorgeous stash have fun, cant wait to see what you create.
    Chris x

  11. Oooh super set of stash, you're very lucky! Can't wait to see what you make with it all. x

  12. Now that's what I call stash!!!! Jo x

  13. Oh wow Vicky, I am now several, but well co-ordinated shades of green! Enjoy your goodies, im sure you'll create some beauties with these xx

  14. Ooh Vicky, you will have fun with these goodies.
    Clare x

  15. what fab stash I have never been to ally pally maybe next time I love new craft stash me thinks I need counciling lol


  16. Oh wow, looks like you had a very good day, so jealous!! Sue x

  17. Why dont I live over there...makes my craft show look glad you had such a great time...and I'm sooo jealous...but in a nice way..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  18. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO your stash totally ROCKS !! Vixx delighted you had a good time !!! love the look of the twine !! and 1 or 2 LOTV stamps LOL !!! my CRICUT has arrived WOOPEEE !!!!

  19. Wow, how lovely. That punch looks massive. Hope you have loads of fun. Lee x

  20. Wow what a great stash!
    Enjoy your goodies.
    Hugs xx

  21. lovely stash - makes mine look a bit feeble - lol xx

  22. Wow - looks like you had a good day, i look forward to seeing what you make with it all, Luv Sam x

  23. wow Vicky...that's some stash you have there...i am so jealous!


  24. oh wow .. look at all that lol.. you look like you will be having lots of fun in the coming weeks
    .. and sounds like you had a fab day
    Lisa x

  25. oh wow vicky!!!
    i can see you have had a super day, i bet you just keep looking at all your yummy stash!!!
    cant wait to see what you get making with it all hun!
    huge hugs Lou xx

  26. Wow! You really went to town with the LOTV stamps! Such fab stash!

    I think I saw you there but was too scared to come and say hello in case it wasn't you!


  27. Wow Vicky~
    You've got some delish goodies that you bought... I see alot of stamps too..... Ooh how lucky! On the big island we don't have a huge craft store, so everything I buy is online. Sigh, I'm jealous!
    Have a crafty weekend, can't wait to see what you will be showing off...

  28. Mmmm see you didn't buy very much Vicky lol!! Enjoy!

    Kat xx

  29. OMG.What lot you got Lol.So very glad you had a Fab day,you so deserve it hunni.Can't wait to see what you create with all those luvly stamps.Hugs xx

  30. Oh my word Vicky, didn't you do well! It looks as though you had a wonderful time.
    Enjoy creating with your new goodies - I'll certainly enjoy looking at the results.

    Edna x

  31. Whoa Vicky! Have fun with all your new goodies :D

  32. wow lots of lovely goodies there Vicky, I wish I had known you were at Ally Pally today, I was there too hugs maxine x

  33. My goodness, looks like you've had a FAB day! :) xxx

  34. Glad to hear you had a lovely day out Vicky, and managed to spend a pound or two!
    Lovely lot of crafty stash..enjoying playing with it all.

    Hugs Elaine xxx

  35. Blimey what a lot of stash, lucky you! I am gutted not to go this time, I best start saving now for the next one LOL. Enjoy, Karenxx

  36. WOWZERS!! Look at all that LOVERLY stash, I'm well jel hon!! Glad you had such a fab time and happy crafting :o)

  37. Wow what a great shopping trip you at the ally. Where do you start first ? Look forward to seeing your creations in future weeks. cheers sue xx

  38. WOW! looks like you have had a fab day Vicky, gorgeous new goodies,lucky you with all those new LOTV stamps,look forward to seeing what you make.

    Wendy xx

  39. Hi Vicky, looks like you got yourself some gorgeous stuff. I'm going tomorrow :-)
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  40. Ooh lots of nice goodies there Vicky! You've got some fab stuff. Those wooden snowflakes are nice and lots of LOTV Stamps :-)) - Can't wait to see the cards you make with them all !!! Glad you had good time!
    Hope you enjoyed X Factor!
    Hugs Sue xx

  41. What an amazing amount of goodies, you certainly had a party at AP, Have fun with it all and look forward to seeing your wonderful creations xxxx Mau

  42. jealous? moi? of COURSE I am, lol. you'll be on bread and water for the rest of the week now, Vicky, but worth it for this bounty. It's the law that you have to spend too much when you go to these things, he hee. Enjoy playing with it, no doubt we'll see some of this on your cards very soon. CoB

  43. Looks like you had a great time yesterday, can't wait to see your creations with your new stamps.

  44. what a lot of yummy stash you brought lots of cards with that. I am off to Ally Pally today as well will put it on my blog what i brought Hugs Jeanxx

  45. Wow Vicky
    Lots of fabulous goodies to play with have fun and glad you had a nice time
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  46. Fantastic new stash, can't wait to see what you make with all your new goodies. Debs xx

  47. oh wow hun what amazing stash,gosh how much fun are you going to have,really wanted to go to ally pally,this year,but not too be hopefully will be going to the NEc in november,have fun hugs cherylxx

  48. Looks like you've got a brilliant new stash there, I can't wait to see what you create!

    I'm glad you had a lovely time.


  49. fantastic array of yummyness hun.enjoy using them all :D

    xxx coops xxx

  50. Looks like you had a great time. You got some lovely things. Happy crafting with them :) I can't wait for the nec. Have a great day. Gemma x

  51. Hi Vicky, Love all your crafty goodies! It was lovely to meet up with you (and Steve) at Ally Pally yesterday :-) I had a great day with Marianne and Lynsey ... I didn't spend a fortune but was happy with my purchases.

    Lisa x

  52. Hi Vicky,
    Hope you are well. Thank You for all the lovely comments you leave for me, much appreciated. WOW it certainly looks like you had a Fab time at Ally Pally, you lucky girlie lol. Have fun with all your new goodies.
    Hugs Jacqui xxx

  53. It was so lovely to meet you Vicky (and your very patient hubby). Wow, that's some serious stamp stash there. Have just posted a pic of my goodies. Marianne x

  54. I am sooooo jealous!!! Perhaps we might meet there next year too!!

  55. Wow! Some lovely goodies! looks like you had a great day. I went to the one earlier this year, could'nt go twice in a year! way too temting!!!Wendy x

  56. so many gorgeous goodies!! cant wait to see what you do with them. Hugs Juls

  57. Hi Vicky, what gorgeous stash! It was so lovely to meet you yesterday!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  58. Oooh methinks I want to come and play at your house.... LOL
    Christine x


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx