
Saturday 7 May 2011


Morning all......

Well it's a very grey start in Essex this morning....and it's not just the weather!
It was brought to my attention on Thursday by the lovely Elaine that someone on Ebay was selling a CD with cards made with Sugar Nellie images. So I popped over to have a nosey and I was shocked to see on the cover was MY ARTWORK!...and this is it..

I was totally P.....D off as you can imagine!

I did contact the seller....and this is what I wrote...

Regarding your cd on the Sugar Nellie images/cards

It has been brought my attention the cover of your CD has got MY images work is totally under copyright and registered since the 16 march 2011, Which is the date I made it.It seems you have ignored this and have cropped my work and used it on your cd without any ownership permission by me. You have until tomorrow to remove this cd otherwise I will be contacting ebay and my solicitor about this matter.

Please do NOT ignore this e-mail as I am taking this VERY seriously. Feel free to reply..but you have until tomorrow to do so!

The seller has now removed the offending CD...but sadly I was not the only one and there was a lot of other crafters work on this CD...and there are other CD'S too....So where possible please WATERMARK your work and is so important to help stop these horrid peeps using our lovely cards for their own personnel gain!...

So onto a happier is today's card and I have used a lovely stamp from Bildmalarna which I bought from Ally Pally and she is totally adorable! I have used again some Pink Petticoat Papers..a little ribbon and some wee pearls...nice and simples lol..

This sweetie is going into the following challenges :-
My Mums Craft Shop # 4 ~ Cute & Girly
Top Tip Tuesday # 32 ~ Open Challenge
Papertake Weekly ~ Anything Goes

Mimosa ~ Apple Basket ~ Bildmalarna

Close up of image

Side View

Items Used

Stamp ~ Bildmalarna
Colouring medium ~ Promarkers & Chalks
Ribbon ~ Stash
Card blank ~ Craftwork cards

Thank you for looking and all your lovely comments :o)

Right I'm off to have a wee play..hope the sun comes out soon and you all have a lovely day!
And if I haven't been round to see..So sorry and I promise to catch up over the weekend...all I can say is blame work lol...!

catch ya laters...


  1. Hi Vicky, I just can't believe the cheek of some people, not surprised you're ticked off hun. Love this gorgeous card, very cute little image and yummy papers. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Donna x

  2. Hi Vicky, I am very sorry that somebody has had the audacity to steal your work. I do hope that you manage to get this person to remove that cd. Your work is stunning and lovely to look at so thankyou for sharing with us,it's a crime though that somebody loved your work so much that they felt the need to steal.
    Best wishes,
    Rosie x

  3. Well done you on tackling the thief and succeeding in having the offending CD removed - how very dare they!!!
    Your is stunning and I guess if you wanted to take a positive on their actions it is because of that they did it - but it was totally out of order!
    I love this card - it is so pretty and beautifully coloured.
    Have a wonderful weeekend.
    {{Debs}} xx

  4. I read about this on the Docrafts forum where Maddy Hill and Bev Rochester had their work stolen and found on this CD but I didn't realise yours was there too.No wonder you are fuming!!!
    Your card today is gorgeous. I do really love the shaped border.
    Have a great weekend, Ruth x

  5. Hi Vicky, certainly not a great start for you Hun. It makes me sick to think that people would do this sort of thing. Good for you though that you did get a reaction.
    Love this card by the way such a cute image.
    Hope the day brightens up for you!
    Hugs Sally xxx

  6. vicky so sorry this happened to you hun. I was a little confused by why peopole would want to buy a cd when people like you share their awesome creations on blogs to inspire us all. huge hugs and gorgeous card too hun, lou xxxx

  7. Oh Vicky that is so annoying (the mild version!), glad you tackled it and got it sorted - I would have let Ebay know anyway so they can keep an eye out for the offender as well.
    On a much brighter note, your card is absolutely gorgeous, I just love the soft colours and the whole design - and of course it is so well made.
    It has just started to pour down of rain again here. Have a great weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  8. Hey Hun. I am so sorry this happened to you, I had heard about this on Ebay, it's a bit pants innit. Glad they've pulled the CD now.
    Love, love, love this very pretty card, it's all pink and, well lovely. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs. xxx
    Oh and thanks for playing at MMCS. xxx

  9. Oh Vicky, I am so sorry that this has happened to you! I have seen this seller on Ebay before, as they sell Stampin' Up! Images and catalogues on CD, and I did wonder how they managed to have so many photos. The best of it is, they actually watermark their own images on cheeky is that!?!?! Your cards and designs are wonderful and inspire many people on a daily basis - dont let it dishearten you too much honey - big hugs Nicky xx

  10. Hi Vicky

    What a naughty person .. .. I can understand you being furious at someone making money off the back of all your hard work. I wonder who else's images are actually contained on the CD itself!!

    It just shows you never know who is lurking around your blog and for what reason.

    This is the bad side of blogging I suppose.

    Anyway, on to better things. Your card today is a gorgeous as ever. Beautiful colours and layout.

    Have a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  11. Well said!! Good for you Vicky. How did they ever think they'd get away with this in such a close knit crafting community. Gorgeous card as ever wonder she wanted your work on the cover xx Jenny xx

  12. Sorry you have had this upset. Hope you get it sorted. The cheek of some people!
    Love your card xx Jan

  13. Some people are unbelievable, good thing you contacted them. On a brighter note, your card is absolutely stunning again, I love the muted colours, very sweet! Have a great weekend!

  14. Your card is as beautiful as ever Vicky and I love the papers and the lovely punched edge just perfect!!!!

    Sorry to hear about the Cd it really makes me mad when I see these things going on and people getting away with it!! Obviously ebay dont really monitor whats being sold!!!!

    At least its been removed!!

    Love Chanelle xxxxx

  15. I understand how annoyed you are, i would be fuming! lol
    I went to check on ebay and this seller has loads of CDs on cards, how are we to make sure he hasn't got one of our cards? buy the lot? lol
    Anyway i am glad it's been resolved for you, the cheek of some people!
    Yor card is so gorgeous, i love the fabulous papers and the image is very sweet.
    Have a lovely week-end.
    Hugs xx

  16. morning Vicky, so sorry sweetie to hear someobody is stealing your gorgeous creations,How people dare steal others creaions, then watermark and class them as there own,then on top of that make money out of it, well it's downright theft and they should be reported for it.I would still contact ebay sweetie and explain what has happended,they can keep an eye on on the card thief,chin up lass:)

    Fabulous card as always sweetie, i must treat meself to some of these gorgeous stamps :)


  17. Hi Vicky, I feel so bad for you hun, how can people do this, apart from the obvious theft of someone else's hard work, it's a bloody cheek....thankfully you managed to sort it but how many are out there and getting away with it.......

    Love your card, it's gorgeous...enjoy the week-end.xx

  18. Back

    super sweet card Vicky and so very cute and very girly :)

    Thank you for joining us at MMCS


  19. OMG Vicky, I cannot believe the cheek of these people, but am so glad you had words with them and they have pulled the CD. The worrying thing is, how many more images of people's are on there. Your card, as always is fab hun. Have a agreat day. Hugs, Claire x

  20. Oh this is absolutely gorgeous Vicky, such a sweet image, perfect papers and colours too :)
    Sorry to hear someone has pinched your work, I would feel the same as you, hope they can put a stop to this soon! Just can't believe some people!
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  21. Hi Vicky!1
    Well done on you for having got this varlet to remove the offending object from ebay. I wonder if she has removed the rest??
    Loving your card today and as with all your other work it is FAB-U-LOUS!!!
    I need to find out now how to watermark my own blog but unlike you, my cards, as far as i am aware, have not been subject to the same abuse as you and some of the girls on the Sugar Nellie group.

  22. Can you believe what some people will do? We all use each other's cards for inspiration, but to copy them outright is just not on is it? It makes you wonder what else is on all those CD's. Has she just trawled the blogs and randomly copied??
    She might have taken that CD off sale Vicky, but she still has the picture of it up on all her CD sales, under 'also available'.

    Love you cute card - the colour combo is pefect.
    Caroline xxx

  23. Yes she has still got them on sale, in fact I was totally shocked how many CDs there were TBH! The problem is none of us know if any of our images/cards have been used on these CDs - its absolutely outrageous and I personally think as you have proof that she has used your artwork that you report her not only to ebay but take further action too. It's a pity we can't get hold of some of these to take a look, but I certainly won't be purchasing for her gain! Unbelievable! Hugs, Claire xx

  24. im stunned at this! why can't ebay be consistent with it's policing! cheeky b******s! rant fume!!! lovely card btw!! x

  25. Bloody terrible what people do hunni
    Flattering though! lol
    Not on!!

    Super card, FAB colouring as always
    mandi x

  26. Hi Vicky do you know what it is I was looking at this last night & thinking how familiar these images looked its bloody shocking & dispicable they are nothing but low lifes. Good for you tackling them shug. We all put so much work into our creations, an image alone can take me anywhere from an hour up to 2 hours & you dont want know how long it takes me to do a card & to have these sort of people then to just steal pictures of our work to sell at their own gain & yet we put them on blogger for crafters to gain inspiration for will never cease to amaze me how low someone will go for the sake of money. I would rather be poor but be able to hold my head high than do things like this.
    Sorry shug its really annoyed me goodness knows how you are feeling.
    This card is fabulous hun you've even converted me to trying one of these little cuties. She came the other day but I was good & just got one for now to see what I think lol. Enjoy your weekend sorry for the long message hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  27. some nasty people around, sorry to hear this...a lovely image and very pretty papers

  28. Some people NO IMAGINATION of their own, sad gets!!
    But now then this card, it's gorgeous (no wonder people want 'em!!) Sorry LOL, it is gorgeous work. Lovely image and papers. Take care, enjoy your Saturday.
    I have had a few PC problems lately and your gorgeous blog is one I cannot always get too...GRRR

  29. Don't some people have a bloody nerve !!! its bad enough that they cannot even come up with their own creations they have to nick other people's grrrrrrr !!!
    Your card is STUNNING sweetie do love that image !!!! have a good one my friend !!!

  30. Bah I'm really sorry that this happened to you, it's so annoying. Some people are just plain greedy and lazy.
    Onto a nicer subject, your card is so pretty as always. I love the way you've reflected the green of the leaves and apples in the papers you've used.

    I hope you have a good day.


  31. Bah I'm sorry that this happened to you, it's terrible. Some people are just so greedy and selfish. Good on you for taking them on!

    Onto nicer things, your card is fabulous as always. I love how you've reflected the leaves in the papers you've chosen. You have such a great eye for detail.

    I hope you're having a good day, even with the bad news.


  32. Gorgeous card Vicky love these images and the papers, sorry to say but she hasnt taken them off, I typed in crafting c.ds and this one was 2nd on the list, plus she seems to have heaps of them, what a cheek.
    Chris x

  33. omg just read your post thats awful what are some people like !!! loving your card its beautiful ! :)

  34. Oh Vicky this is awful, how they have the cheek to steal your work. It has reminded me to put copywright in my side bar which I have been meaning to do but don't know how. Do I add a gadget and then where do I go from there? Hope you don't mind me asking.
    Onto your card.....Another beautiful card Vicky with a sweet little image. Love all the detail.
    Diane hugs :-) xx

  35. hiya hun.have been following all the threads on docrafts and so sorry that you are one of the ones that have had their artwork lifted by this lowlife.she has that many other cds too which are still listed.god knows how many of those also have decent crafters cards on too.
    glad you managed to get the cd removed.
    love todays card.stunning image and fabulous design and colouring as always hun :D

    xx coops xx

  36. Vau beautifull card and lovely image,
    greetings from Slovenija,Andreja

  37. How cheeky are some people. I sw this on Bev's blog too. Glad you told them and it has been removed. Anyone wanting inspiration just has to check out blogs for free. Very sweet card as always. Love these little girlies. Marianne x

  38. Stunning card Vicky and such pretty soft pastel colours! This news is all around blogland today...Bev has started a forum regarding this seller and they are hoping to collectively remove this and traders like it from Ebay. I've joined the group today and so have a lot of other crafters! Interestingly I read on the forum that even if your work is watermarked these people have software that will remove the watermarks...this is the link for the forum

  39. Seems a lot of people have been affected by this bloomin' ebay seller... sorry to hear you're one of them hun. No wonder you're fuming!

    Love your card. Gorgeous soft colours, love the image and fab layout :o) Lisa x

  40. Oh how horrible,would be fuming myself but alas i am not that talented lol.Seriously though,it must make you feel quite sick to have seen this.Do hope it doesn't happen again.I love your card,another Beauty.Hugs xxxxx

  41. Hi Vicky,
    I've just found out about this today too and it's possible that any one of us has work on these CDs. I believe there are some that still have watermarks on the cards too! I looked on Ebay and there are other sellers with similar CDs. I'm looking into this too. Good for you for fighting back!

    As for your card today, it's totally gorgeous as always! xx

  42. oh vicky how absolutely awful for you ... I can understand how upsetting it must have been ... it is so sad that there are such nasty people about ... you are such a lovely lady and do not deserve such nasty ness ... hope they get their cum uppance ... opps cant even spell it ... have a great weekend honey love sandy xx

  43. Hi stranger, long time, no speak. Couldn't believe what I was reading! What a cheek!! Glad you got the items removed so quickly.

    Sorry I've not been around lately but I've been having a good look through your lovely cards and they are all stunning as always.

    Hope you are keeping better now and that your back is holding out this weather.

    Hoping to get more into my crafting again.

    Luv & Hugs
    Trish x

  44. She's a right blooming cheeky mare isn't she. Had a look at the SN CD not expecting to see any of my cards and got the shock of my life. No 51 was mine!! At least she has taken it off now but I am sure it will be back soon repackaged or in someone else's name. I've put in a complaint to Ebay and I'll certainly be watermarking and copyrighting all my cards from now on. Anyway back to your gorgeous card, I love it. Debs xx

  45. Sorry forgot to say congrats on your Sassy blog header. Well deserved. Debs xx

  46. the cheek of it, I can't believe some people, the cards as alaways is delish love the papers

  47. What a cheek!!! I'd contact Ebay too Vivky, how some people think they can get away with this sort of thing is beyond me.
    Love your card too, she's a right wee cutie pie and coloured beautifully too
    Anne x

  48. Hi Vicky,

    Thats awful about the cd, I have heard others mention that this has become popular, and they have noticed some bloggers artwork lifted, I believe it happened to bev too, but they went way back on her blog and took images from about 3 years ago! I am glad they removed it ... and hope all these people stop trying advantage like that!! grrrr!!

    Anyway onto your card ...such a cute little image, love the soft muted colours, your colouring is amazing! and I love all the layers, just everything is perfect!!

    Hugs Juls

  49. it never seems to amaze me the nerve of some people really sorry to here that you had your artwork used hun I love bevs work to and so sad that some people are so crap they have to steal anyway chin up and lovely card today hun oh and thank your for your lovely messages on my blog.

  50. Hi Vicky,

    Ah this is really sweet card. Love the image, and it is coloured so beautifully!

    Sorry to hear about the eBay THIEF!! No other word for them really - well, that is printable anyway!!! it is such a shame that you can get somebody who will do that! hope you have got it sorted now.

    Hugs Sue xx

  51. Sorry you had to deal with that. Your new card is super cute!

  52. So sorry to hear someone was stealing your gorgeous work. Some people are just horrible! Glad you have it straightened out.

    Your card is precious. Love the pale pink and green combo. That little girl is just so sweet.

  53. OMG Vicky - that's awful!!! good for you though telling them :)
    Your card is just gorgeous - I love Bildmalarna stamps - sooo cute!! just to let you know I'm gonna be stocking them at my online shop - they are on their way!!! just in case you need anymore LOL
    Have a great day ... off to do some crafting too :) Hugs Lynne xoxo

  54. what an appalling cheek!!! (trying to be a good little blogger here, and not use naughty words)

    Gorgeous card anyway, Vicky and yep, what an adorable image xx

  55. This is awesome Vicky... the colours are so pretty and so soft .. really huggable ha ha :) So sorry to hear about the CD.. well done on telling them off!! Hugs xx

  56. Morning,
    Sorry to hear that someone steal your work:( What the matter with this people?
    Great work a usually. Cute image. I have bought my first digi papers:)
    Take care

  57. Hi Vicky,
    So sorry to hear about these CDs and your artwork being stolen, Iread about a similar thing on Bev's blog the other day...just looked the seller up on ebay and there are loads they are still selling, which is worrying. I hope Ebay can do something fast.
    On a happier note - I love your card! the image is coloured so beautifully and I adore your edging on your card....just beautiful. Hugs, Teresa x

  58. Gorgeous card hon, love the colour scheme you've used for this one :o))
    How terrible to find someone trying to sell your work on eBay, honestly I can't believe the nerve of some people, grrrrr! Glad you found out about them though and sorted them out, well done Vicky!

  59. very cute card, Thanks for joining us on the Top Tip Tuesday Challenge, hugs Samantha :0)

  60. Hi Vicky, you're the second crafter this week I have come across with the same problem, glad you got it stopped! Absolutely gorgeous card, love the image and fab colours!
    Helen x

  61. Hi Vicky! What a bloomin cheek some people have... I'm glad you told them! You just can't be too careful! On a nicer note, I LOVE this card, such lovely papers... you are such a bad influence and I was trying to be good and not buy stuff! Shelly x


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx