
Friday 27 May 2011


Evening all!

Just a anyone else having issues about seeing your followers! I cannot seem to see mine at the mo and I cannot see anyone elses either! Getting a tad frustrated with Mr any tips please let me know cos' I would love to see my new followers to follow you too boohoo...

hope you all are having a lovely evening.....and have a fabby bank holiday too..


  1. Mine have gone too Hun!! Another blogger melt down loomimg...we just have to sit tight, could be a bumpy ride..
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. Nope, can't see my followers but that has happened before so don't worry, they'll show again. Fab card below, love it, so girly. Gorgeous image, another for the wish list, lol! Hope you'll be over to play in the bloghop at WW this week. Marianne x

  3. I could'nt see mine earlier either,dunno whats going on with mr blogger of late,he's being a right pain!lol
    :) xx

  4. Hi hun! I have the same problem - I can't see anybody's followers. It's a Blogger issue which will hopefully be fixed soon.

    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Hiya my special friend! Have the same problem Hun, it's been all day. Hopefully this silly Mr Blogger will sort himself out now. I know it's really frustrating. Have yourself a good bank holiday weekend too. Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  6. hiya hun, think we're all in the same boat....I can't leave messages on some blogs, Mr. Blogger wants sacking as we've had probems on and off all month
    hang on in there

  7. mine are gone too....hopefully they will be back!!


  8. Hi Vicky - mine come and go but can't see any on other blogs either. I couldn't even log onto Blogger yesterday let alone comment which I know was happening to a lot of others. I changed my search engine from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome and had no problem getting back in or commenting - hasn't helped with missing followers though :0( Let's hope Blogger sort out these problems soon xx

  9. Mine have gone too...By the way loved your last card.
    Hugs Debbie x

  10. Yeah I've got the same problem, noticed it yesterday too.

    Kat xx

  11. Mine have been missing all day!!! It's been over a week now these blogger problems. xx Jan

  12. Dont be sad Vicky as we are all still here hiding in Blogland!! Have a great weekend! :)X

  13. It's widespread Vikki
    Try opening through Google Chrome
    It helped me

    Thanks for your comments hun xx

  14. Mine came back last night and were on earlier in the day but have gone awol again :o(

  15. Had this problem for a few days, but just signed in again and unticked the remember me option and voila my followers are back. I can see yours too. -x-

  16. Yeah its been rubbish, hope its better soon
    If you get chance please pop by my Dezinaworld blog and grab the vintage freebies today, have a great weekend
    hugs June

  17. It's the same here. Will try what Debs made. Hope they come back as I also love to see when I get a new follower.
    Hugs to you,

  18. Hi Vicky

    My theory is that all of our lovely followers have all gone away for a Bank holiday "knees up".

    Lucky followers!!!

    Love Jules xx

  19. Hi Vicky mine have gone too hope they come back soon hugs Rebekah xx!

  20. Hi Vicky, mine has gone too and Mr Blogger won't let me comment on some blogs...hope you get this!
    Your card below is gorgeous.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Diane :-) xx

  21. Just gone to check, and mine have disappeared too. What the heck is Blogger playing at? Can't seem to get anything right at the mo, it's one glitch after another. CoB

  22. Hi Vicky :)

    Yep, blogger has been a pain in the bum - but glad its not just me!! lol.

    Its just let me follow know though, so hopefully its nearly fixed.

    Have a great weekend,



  23. Hi Vicky,
    Mine are gone too, probably having a walk!
    I can't even leave comments on some blogs!
    Have a lovely week-end.
    Hugs xx

  24. I will join the club mine gone to I not happy I haven't got that many so like to see if the are growing lol, any way on to the good stuff I love the card Hun the colouring in fabby and the DP's stunning card x x huggles


  25. Hi Hun. Sorry I've not replied sooner - this happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I went on the blogger forum and loads of people were having the same problem, so I posted that I also had the problem and then the next day they seemed to have sorted it. It does happen to me every now and again but usually when I refresh the page, they reappear but on that occasion I'd tried refreshing to no avail and it was still like it the next day. So bloody annoying!!! Hope you get it sorted. Hugs, Marie xxx

  26. I can see yours Vicky you have 313 of them lucky
    Mine vanished for a day or two but came back this morning. hope it sorts out soon xx Mau

  27. too cute!!! Love the pearl in the centre of the flower! Hugs Juls


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx