
Friday 4 March 2011

SOME CANDY!............................ONE WHOLE YEAR!

Afternoon all! ~ second post ~ this will stay up the top until Friday 4 March!

Well as promised I'm back with some yummy candy!
You may of notice it's my blogoversary in 5 days time and to celebrate ONE whole year ( wow that went sooo quick lol!) I have put a little candy together :o)

And this is it............................

Items are

3 x Wild Rose flower packs
1 x Pack of roses
2 x Packs of card candy
3 x Ribbon reels
1 x Cream Lace
1 x Pack of Ribbon Sliders
1 x Pack Buttons
2 x Packs Gems
1 x Pack Eastern Promise paper
1 x Dragonfly Embellies
2 x Stickles
2 x Lili of the Valley Stamps ~ It's my party & Little Ballerina!

There is no rules ~ just leave me a comment and I will pick someone out of the hat on Saturday 5 March ~ simples!

Edit ~ The lovely Jules sent me an e-mail so it will stay at the top of my blog now!
No need to put it on your blog ~ I would like one of my lovely followers to win :o)

But sadly it's only open to UK followers ( sorry!!) cause of the P&P :o(

So I hope you like my little bit of candy and good luck!

Before I go I just would like to say a mega thank you to all my lovely followers ~ I'm overwhelmed with all fabulous comments and support ~ you are all stars!

Please scroll down for my other posts!


  1. Congratulations on your blogoversary! I always love visiting your blog - your cards are a great inspiration plus I get to find out about lots of new and different products.

    Helen x

  2. Happy Blog Birthday Vicky. The candy is lovely and it would be fab to win it, but I just want to say thankyou for all the wonderful inspiration and for the encouragement you have been to me throughout your bloggy adventure.
    Long may it continue!

    Edna x

  3. Wow Vicky, what fabby georgeous candy. Thankyou so much for allowing me to be in with a chance of winning, in celebration of your blogoversary. xx

  4. Congratulations on your forthcoming blogoversary hun - your cards and creations are always amazing and such an inspiration. WOW what gorgeous candy too. Thank you for the chance to win. Big hugs, Claire x

  5. WOWZER Vicky where has the time gone my special friend? Can't believe it's a year already, scarey!! Thanks for the wonderful candy & chance to win. I'll need to be getting mine together as I'm just a month behind you. Happy Blogoversary Hun! Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  6. Hi Vicky, Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy :-)

    Lisa x

  7. Wow, what great candy. Thanks for the chance to win it. And well done for a whole year of blogging. Love Nikki

  8. happy blogoversary, love your cards and your blog visit you everday glad you had a good day out at farnborough, thank you for a chance to win fab candy.hugs ginny

  9. Happy Blogaversary - oh my some gorgeous things there - it's so kind of you thank you for the chance to win xx

  10. A whole year...doesn't it go quick.
    Happy 1 year Birthday.
    Mine is April, I cannot believe how quick it's gone.
    Fab candy you are so generous, lovely flowers and LOTV stamps....Lovely. Debbiexx

  11. whowwww happy one year blogaversery!!! what a gret lovely candy!!! thanks for the chance!!!
    xx petra

  12. Congrats on your blogaversary, fab candy!!

  13. Happy Blogaversary hun! I'm looking forward to another year of gorgeous creations from you! Thanks for the chance to enter your draw.
    Linds x

  14. Wow Vicky, from the standards of your cards I thought you'd been doing this much longer! Happy Bogiversary for the 5th! Love from Katy. xxx

  15. Wow, what fantastic candy! Thanks for being so
    generous and giving the chance to win it. Happy anniversary and may you have many more.
    Anne x

  16. Wow! one whole year.. I think mine comes round about may or june will have to have a peek and maybe do some candy too.
    Thank you for chance to win its gorgous .. very yummy!! Congratulations Vicky. xx
    hugs Mau xx

  17. OMG Vicky what gorgeous candy Happy Blogaversary
    Chris x

  18. Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for the chance to win some fab candy!
    Helen x

  19. Happy blogaversary Vicky, thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous blog candy, Hugs, Sarah

  20. Wow Vicky one whole year that has gone so quick, I remember you starting your blog and look how well you've done this last year. I hope you are chuffed with yourself! Lets hope the next blog year is just as good if not better. Keep up the great work. Bigs hugs Debbie x
    PS Thank you for the chance of winning your lovely candy. x

  21. Hiya hun.Happy Blogaversary.Gorgeous candy.I never usually go on blogs when they post candy lol.I feel guilty,like i don't deserve to try for it.As i have been a follower of yours though for some time i don't feel so guilty lol.Sorry to be heavy heeeee heeee.Hope your back is ok,is it next week you return to work.Huggles xxxx

  22. Happy Blogaversary Vicky
    Gorgeous candy
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  23. Congratulations on your bloggyversary Vicky! And wow what fabulous candy too! Thank you for chance to win :)

  24. Congratulations Vicky on your Blogoversary, doesn't time fly? What fabulous candy, this is so generous and so yummy! Can I still enter and if I'm lucky enough to win give you my mam's addy in the UK? Aren't I cheeky... well shy bairns get nowt as they say in Newcastle! Hugs Shelly x

  25. Awesome Candy...I agree, where does the time fly? I am not into my year until May and it feels like only yesterday I started it. Your cards are totally have always left me wonderful comments. You give each and everyone of us inspiration with your talent. Thank you for giving us all a chance of winning this stash. Hugs Tammy x

  26. Hi Vicky, congrats on your Blogaversary. Just love visiting you and seeing your fabulous work.
    Awesome candy - thanks for the chance to win.
    Caroline xxx

  27. Congrats and thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. To leave a post at the top you edit the post after you have posted it and change the date in post options to the date you are closing the candy. Love visiting your blog and look forward to more beautiful creations. Marianne x

  28. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!! I'd love to win your candy - thanks so much for offering it. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Hugs, Marie xx

  29. Only a year Vicky?! I thought you were a well seasoned blogger! Thx for all the inspiration you've given us!

  30. Hi ya hun
    happy blogaversary, wow what a gorgeous candy,all them gorgeous flowers, sat with all crossed here hun, thank you for the chance, sue,xx

  31. wow a year already Vicky that has gone by very quickly. Thanks for the chance of winning your yummy candy, it really does look nice.
    hugs Maxine x

  32. Happy Blogoversary Vicky. Like Mary said I can't believe it is only a year. Thanks for the chance to win your yummy candy.
    Take Care Debs xx

  33. thats a serious amount of blog anniversary candy.....such yummy colours.Congratulations on your first year heres to the second...

  34. O dear Vicky, happy blog brithday. We are not "konowing" eachother for a long time, but I feel so domestic, when I come to "visit" you on your blog. Thaks for a chance for winnig this great candy. I would like to win it... I wish you a lots of great and inspiering ideas and wonderful cards. Warm regards from Slovenia:))

  35. Congrat on your 1st anniversary Vicky. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy. Sue x

  36. Congratulations on your first blogoversary Vicky and here's to many more! Thank you for the chance to win such fab can you bear to part with such scrummy goodies :) Donna x

  37. Happy Blogoversary Vicky - your candy is amazing!

    Love Lynda xxx

  38. Hi Vicky, congratulations on your first year of blogging, thought it must have been much longer, as your blog is amazing and so are your creations. Very yummy candy and thank you for the chance to win it.

    Donna x

  39. Happy blog birthday Vicky - it's been an amazing year for you; long may it continue! Fabulous candy (wish I could've done the same when it was my blog birthday but I'll make up for it when Dave's got a new job!) xx

  40. Happy blog birthday Vicky, wow one whole year of gorgeous cards! You've achieved so much in one year. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy.
    Hugs Teresa xx

  41. Hi Vicky, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! on a wonderful year of blogging. I've never met you but feel as if I know you well. You have been such an inspiration and help to me especially when I was setting up my blog. I love all your lovely creations and all your achievements have been so well deserved. Thanks for opportunity to win some lovely candy! Luv & Hugs. Trish x

  42. Congrats on your blogoversary sweetie...thanks for the chance to win your generous candy :D

    xx Lizzy xx :)

  43. Congratulations on your first Anniversary. Only just come accross you but found your cards excellent. Thank you also for following me.
    Gorgeous candy, best wishes for the next 12 months.

    Kath x

  44. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Vicky! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy.

  45. Congratulations on your blog anniversary,and what fab candy, and thank you for supporting my blog,love Irene

  46. lovely candy vicky everything we love to used lol thanks for the chance to win thanks for commenting on my blog not many do I apprieciate it hun well done on blogging for a yr

  47. Happy blogoversary Vicky!! Haven`t been looking up your blog for long but can never seeem to wait til i see what delights you come up with. Thanks for all the lovely comments you`ve been leaving on my blog too. I love getting all the feed back as i`m sure you`ll agree it`s brilliant to hear what other folks think of your work. Keep on blogging hunni!! xxx

  48. Wow wow what a lovely lot of candy thank you so much vicky for a chance to win your lovely candy ,also thank you for all the help you have given me this year Jeanxx

  49. Hi Vicky, Congratulations on you Blogaversary!
    Wow wow wow what a candy, i am drooling :)
    I am glad i am following you cos your work is gorgeous, i'm always on the look out for your cards. Thank you for the chance to win, my fingers and my toes are crossed!
    Hugs xx

  50. Hi Vicky congrats on your Blogaversary but awww I can't join in.. hugs xx

  51. happy blog birthday vicky.cor its gone quick hasn`t it?
    love your lush candy and thanks so much for the chance to win :D

    xx coops xx

  52. Oh WOW Vicky, a year of blogging ... Congratulations xx

    Fab candy, ohhh i could use all of that! Thanks for offering it.
    Cathy xx

  53. Many congrats on your blogoversary Vicky. Wonderful candy you have put together, I would love to win. Sue.x

  54. Hi sweetie, congrats on your first year of blogging. Your cards are always so so gorgeous, you certainly inspire many crafters including me.

    Very yummy candy, thanks for the chance :-)


  55. Wow Vicky, absolutely amazing candy hon!! Thank you so much for the chance of winning and Happy Blogoversary!! :o)

  56. Congratulations on your Blogoversary heres to the next 12 months. Your blog is always a pleasure to visit. Wonderful candy and very generous of you.
    Hugs Sonia xx

  57. Hi Vicky congratulations on your blogoversary and the chance to win your amazing candy. I always look forward to seeing your new creations and your scrummy products. Hugs Sarahxx

  58. Hi Vicky

    That is an amazing give away congratulations on your anniversary

    Xxx caz

  59. Congrats on your blogoversary Vicky and your cards are lovely will need to try and get one of those slide show thingies on mine , what lovely candy too very kind of you to offer it , thanks for the chance to win........k x

  60. Ooh gorgeous candy hun, thanks for the chance to win it. Congrats on your blogoversary, looking forward to another year of your lovely creations :o) Lisa x

  61. Congrats on your blogoversary. I have only spent a short time of that as one of your followers but your cards are really gorgeous and a great inspiration. Thanks so much for offering this great candy and heres wishing you many more happy years blogging (and crafting of course!!) Hugs Denise xx

  62. Hi Vicky, congratulations with your blogoversary! Shame I can't participate with the candy, but good luck to all you UK candy enthousiasts! :)

    Love, Ciska

  63. Happy Blogaversary Vix... (you got my addy, just post off now lol).. what scrummy candy.... wow... who ever wins this is going to be a seriously happy bunny ! Thank you for chance to win. xxxxx

  64. Awww thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy Vicky! I love visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful creations!

    Congratulations on your First Anniversary!

    Hugs Sue xx

  65. Hi Vicky Happy Blogoversary!! Absolutely love your cards, check out your blog every day. Thanks for the chance to win x

  66. Wow Vicky what fantastic yummy goodies..... just thought I'd join in too....sending big hugs JO xxx

  67. Hi Vicky, Happy Blogoversay to you! I have become a follower and hope to develop a blog one day. Hugs Di from Docrafts xx

  68. Wow! this is great Blog Candy!! Thank you so much for doing this, I'd love to be in with a chance of winning!
    Love looking through your blog, such great cards. xx

  69. Happy Blogoversary, Vicky...and hoping there will be many happy returns! Please keep the cards coming, I always look forward to your blog!
    Big hugs, Janet

  70. Happy Blogaversary sweetie!!

    Love your work so keep all them gorgeous cards coming and also thanks for the chance of winning.....tell you what sweetie who ever win this sweet yummy candy is 1 lucky crafter!! :o)

    hugs and xxx

  71. This all looks fabulous. I do like popping by to see your work. Thanks for the chance of winning your candy. Elaine

  72. What a scrummy candy. Happy Blogversary. xxx

  73. so beautiful - i love the papers and the image

  74. Hey Vicky - Happy Blogaversary!!!! I've been blogging a year on 21st March too - watch out for my candy hehe - yummy candy - thank you :)
    Lynne xoxo

  75. Happy Blogaversary Vicky! What amazing candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs Lynsey x

  76. Oh, how lovely is all that candy, Vicky, and so generous- thank you for the chance to win!! :) Not that I would need any encouragement to visit your fantastic blog- there's always so much inspiration to be had!! I'm so glad you found my blog so I could find yours!! :) Congratulations on one whole year of blogging!! :)
    hugs, Rachel x

  77. Happy Blogaversary sweetie mine is nearly a year as well I'm just collecting my candy together ready lol it goes soooo quick. I love your cards they are always so beautiful. Thank you so much for your kindness of this lush candy. Take care hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  78. Happy blogoversary hun, your blog is a true inspiration and your work is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win that yummy candy...hugs Shelly x

  79. oh my goodness what a lot of comments and quite right too ... happy blogoversary honey cant believe it is only 1 year ... where does the time go eh ?? I love visiting your blog and how very kind of you to offer this lovely candy ... good luck to everybody and thanks again Vicky ... love Sandy xx

  80. congrats on your bloggeversary, and thank you so much for the chace to win lovely candy, thats so sweet of you. Hugs Juls

  81. Happy Blogoversary Vicky..Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy.
    Linda D x

  82. Hi Vicky, gorgeous candy hun, congrats on your blogoversary, thanks for the chance to win, hugs Liz xx

  83. Hi vicky congratulations on your blogoversary and scrummy candy Jean

  84. I'm outside the UK... But Vickey... never the less... congratulaitons on your Blog Anniversary!

  85. Hi Vicky:))))Happy bloggoversary :)))I wish you more followers and so much creative ideas:)))I live in Bulgaria and i can`t win this amazing candy but it doesn`t meen that i can`t congratulate you:)))

    Hugs Jeni:))))

  86. Gorgeous candy Vicky :-) Happy Blogoversary !! :-)
    I have a UK address so can you pop my name in the hat please !! I will be keeping everything crossed !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  87. Happy "blog" Anniversary! Your cards are gorgeous and an great inspiration! xx

  88. Happy Anniversary, it soon goes doesn't it. Great blog and lovely candy. Thanks for the chance of winning some gorgeous candy. xx

  89. Congratulations on your 1st 12 months and wishing you all the best for the next 12 months.
    Fabulous blog.

  90. Happy Blog Anniversary. Gorgeaous candy, thankyou for the chance to win :-D
    I have become a follower. Please feel free to come and visit my blog.

    Diane xx

  91. Hi Vicky, congrats on your Blogaversary.
    Smashing candy your offering too hunni bunch, those flowers are yummy.
    Fingers crossed lol
    Anne x


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx