
Friday 25 February 2011


Evening all!

Just a quickly to show you some of my goodies I bought at Farnborough today! I had a fabby time and got there nice and early before the mad rush lol! Even tho' the doors were to open at 10am, we arrived at 9.30 and it was already open! Woohoo and no queue ~ what a bonus!

So here are my goodies ~ hope you likey!

As you can see I bought MS "Butterfly" & "Swirl Lace" punches
Pearls and Nesties "Eyelet circle"

Also Go Kreate "Frilly Square", essential ribbon (lots!!), card candy
and another ink pad lol!

Yep I bought some more stamps (Oops! ~ I know I shouldn't lol!)
These  Bildmalarna images were to cute to miss and  Lili of the Valley ~ how could I pass the stall and not buy!!

I also got essential card stock, blanks and sticky stuff ~ I won't bore you with those lol!

So that's it! I must say there wasn't a lot of bargains and I do feel prices are certainly gone up, you don't get to much for your pennies these days :o(

Anyway, I'm off now to do some blog hopping and please pop back tomorrow ~ I might have a little something on my blog to celebrate my first year in blogland ~ Wow it's gone sooooo quick lol!


  1. ohhhh lots of new crafting goodies, like the look of the Go Create dies....nice shape, have fun playing

  2. Oh wow Vicky lucky you, this lot is fabulous, should keep you quiet for a bit lol, have fun and if you need any help I'm here (pretty please) Hugs Teresa xx

  3. oh my word.lots of yummy goodies hun.
    have fun using them :D

    xx coops xx

  4. Yummy you bought loads and all gorgeous cant wait to see what you make, have loads of fun>
    Chris x
    You will certainly have a great weekend

  5. Ooh you've some yummy stash there Vicky, glad you had a lovely day.

    Donna x

  6. Wonderful new goodies...... really really need to go and get some new stuff, hehe Jo xxx

  7. Wow so many lovely goodies, you lucky girl!
    Now you can craft until next year :D
    Hugs xx

  8. Oooooo, sooooooo excited as going to Farnborough tomorrow!! Wow Vicky you got some amazing goodies, I can't wait to spend!! And to see your fab creations with everything you've bought :o))

  9. Looks like you had a good time Vicky, can't wait until the end of March for the NEC. Have fun with all those goodies. Sue x

  10. Oooh gorgeous yummy goodies there can I come and play :-) xx

  11. WOW WOW I am dripping out the side of my mouth LOL at all your fantastic goodies !!! Gosh I know what you mean about prices going up I have noticed that also !!! Same show on at Glasgow next weekend so guess where I am heading !!!!

  12. oh wow, look at all these goodies!

  13. Hi Vicky
    Fabulous crafty stuff,have fun!!
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  14. Uf!!! Thanks for showing all those new goodies! Greetings, Tanja:)

  15. Wow cannot wait to see you use all that.
    I agree with you about the prices, last september when I went to Harrogate I had £400, and I had three carrier bags of stuff (THATS ALL)....hubby would have had a heart attack if he knew. I start saving months before I go!
    You did really well, the pearls and ribbons are yummy and you have bought the MS PATP I have and it's gorgeous. Happy playing. Thank you for the lovely comments you leave me. Debbie

  16. such yummy goodies!!!! Really loving all the pearls, in such fantastic colours....I am looking forward to seeing wht you will create with this lot!!!! Hugs Juls

  17. Oohh wow !!! what a load of fabby goodies ,,, I see a few things in there on my wish list :-) enjoy !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  18. Hi Vicky wow you have lots of gorgeous new crafty things to play with - have fun - looking forward to seeing your new stamps. Hugs Sarahxx

  19. Ooooooo you did have a good spend!

    Love Lynda xxx

  20. Wowzers Vicky you certainly know how to shop :) A lovely stash you have gotten yourself there. Looking forward to seeing what you make with your new goodies.
    Hugs Sonia xx

  21. Oh well done hun, lots of goodies there. I love those pearls. Looks like some of that new patterned candi. I love that, so pretty. Looking forward to seeing the new stamps being used. Marianne x

  22. Looks like you had a good time shopping! I love those Go Kreate dies too and I know exactly what you mean about the LOTV stamps!!

    Helen x

  23. Glad to hear you had a great day out. Travelled down two years ago from aberdeen to go to it and loved it. Plenty room to move about and see things. I stayed the weekend in Portchester with relatives for the weekend. Must go again sometime.

  24. Aww Vicky, you certainly have some lovely new stash there, and looks like you spent loads. Look forward to seeing some of your wonderful new creations. xx

  25. OMG Vicky! You must have spent a fortune LOL - you have a great range of goodies there - bet you can't wait to use them all. Hugs, Claire x

  26. Oooo yummy, new stash!! I'm not jealous at all hehe. Mind you my turn is next month at NEC, can't wait. Hope you had a good time my special friend. Can't wait to see your new creations with all your gorgeous buys. Have a great weekend. Lotsa luv, hugs xxxxx

  27. What a good shop, can't wait now till Harrogate. You are right though prices have gone up and it can't all be down to VAT, feel sorry for those just starting up crafting.
    Looking forward to seeing your creations.

    Kath x

  28. Oooooo, am v jealous!! Can't wait to see what you make with all your new goodies!! Is Farnborough anywhere near London? Or am I thinking of somewhere else? If it is, I really must go next year. I'd love to go to a show but I'm not brave enough and I've not got anyone to go with me ;-(
    Hugs, Marie xx

  29. Wow what a lot of lovely goodies, look forward to seeing what you make, enjoy!
    Kevin xx

  30. Oh luverly Vicky. What a gorgeous stash!
    Can't wait to see what you do with it all.

    Edna x

  31. Aha! Caught you buying new stamps Vicky!! :D Told you it was a hard task not to buy any more! Enjoy all those new goodies! :)

  32. wow! lovely goodies - enjoying seeing the creations you make with these.

  33. Wahooo! what a load of Gorgeous Goodies...please can I come to play.. or I could just hold them and pass them to
    Have fun xx

  34. Wow, looks like you had fun Vicky! If you need a hand trying it all out just give me a shout LOL!
    Helen x

  35. Hi Vicky

    Gorgeous choices.

    Can't wait to see them put to good use!!

    Love Jules xx

  36. Wow, so many yummy goodies!! I am looking forward to see what you create with them. I would love to have such a shop somewhere here in the near.
    Hugs, Karina

  37. What a lot of scrummy stuff you have there - you lucky girl. Hope you get chance to have a play this weekend. Sue.x


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx