
Sunday 13 June 2010


Hi everyone!!

Well I have been a very silly billy tonight and pressed on the new design feature on the blog site!!, and guess what, I messed up!!!
I have spent the last hour or so trying to suss out how to get it back to how I had it but no joy!!
Not a happy girl, but I hope you like the new design, I am not so sure at the mo, but hay hoy, a change is good as a rest!!

I am now going to have a look at your fab blogs now and going to stop sulking lol!!

Love Vicky :o( xx

1 comment:

  1. Thats what you get for being
    I was like you i had a play around with it yesterday..but lucky for me i didn't save it to my sooo sorry to hear this hun..i feel for this has happened to me before..on my other blog..and had to delete it start again!
    But im sure you can sort it...just go back in to design...and try and remember what layout you had..and click on that...and just change the bakground that suits your layout..hope this helps..sorry hun if ive made you feel
    sending hugs xx clare xx hope you sort is soon xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx