
Wednesday 9 June 2010


Back again!!

The lovely Coops has sent me this fantastic award!!, thought it was soooo funny I give it ago lol!!

The rules are as follows!!

1 - Thank and link to person/persons who gave you the award

2 - Display the award on your blog

3 - Tell 6 lies and 1 truth about yourself or vice versa!!

4 - Nominate 7 others and leave them a message to let them know!!

So here goes my truths/lies - just guess the right one lol!!


1 - Just love cooking!!, I just don't like my hubby helping me

2 - I have trouble spending the interest on the 7.5 million in the bank

3 - Got lost once while walking around the west wing of my house

4 - I am 100% teetotaller!!

5 - My bum looks good in everything

6 - Hate soaps - never watch them

7 - Never spend enough on crafty stuff

Thanks again Coops for the award!!, will be sending this on to my fellow crafty buddies after the soaps, oops!!, shouldn't of said that lol !!


  1. Hehe!! You're good! Still need to do mine, will see how the evening goes. Possibly only do it in the morning. Lotsa luv xxxx

  2. lol these are fab and i am totally stumped which ones are true or not.luv coops.xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx