
Saturday 15 May 2010


Hi Everyone!!,

Well,  my lovely hubby is a happy man today!!,  if you don't know who won the FA Cup it was Chelsea, and him indoors is a massive fan ( Im a Arsenal fan, so we won't talk about that lol!!).
Thats enough about footie, so down to business, this cute stamp is from Lili of the Valley and it's just sooo scrummy. If you log onto their website, free P&P at the mo on all there stamps for the next couple of weeks, so go and have a look and grab a stamp or two!!

Lili of the valley "Me and my cat"

Close up of image

Close up of flower

Side view

Items used

Stamp - LOLV
Papers - Papermania "Rose garden"
Flowers - Prima
Buttons - Stash
Lace - Wild orchid crafts

Thank you for looking and I hope you like my little creation,
Have a lovely evening, and I hope the sun is shining where you are! :o)

Love Vicky xx


  1. Gorgeous card Vicky, went shopping myself on LOTV last night, couldn't resist a free P&P!!
    Sue x

  2. Beautiful card Vicky, this is such a cute image, I love the lotv stamps, I bought two the other day and been colouring them today, your card is gorgeous xx

  3. gorgeous card, great stamp :) my hubby big chelsea fan too ! was very happy today :)

  4. Gorgeous card Vicky!! Hope you'll be as happy as your hubby - I just picked your name in my Blog Candy giveaway!! Drop me an email (on my blog) and I'll sort out posting!! Juliexx

  5. stunning card vicky, really your image and gorgeous colours and papers.oh and your hubby might be happy but you will be hopping with excitement cos you have won julies awesome blog candy.congratulations hun.enjoy.luv

  6. Gorgeous card Vicky, love this image and love those gorgeous papers too.


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx