
Tuesday 25 May 2010


Evening eveyone!!

Went back to work today after having three lovely days at home, the weather was fab, my folks were over from Spain and I made some lovely creations!!. Then I went to work grrrrrrr, horrid day, had words with one of my Consultants ( such primadonnas!! ), the staff are all fed up with finishing late, and I ended up having a major hissy fit!, I am sooo cross with myself, but tomorrow is another day so hopefully a better day  all round lol!!

Enough of me moaning, I made this little card  today when I got home, and no it's not me, my uniform isn't as nice as this little nurse's lol!!

Whiff of Joy "Little nurse"

Close up of image

Close up of flowers

Side view

Items used

Papers - Craftworkcards "Little boy blue"
Flowers & card candy - Craftworkcards

Thanks for looking and I hope you like my little creation tonight!!
And I promise I will be back to my happy self tomorrow lol!!

Have a lovely evening :o)

Love Vicky xx


  1. wow gorgoeus card vicky, just love this little nirse and really fab colours and layout.i hope work goes better for you tomorrow hun.luv coops.xx

  2. Gorgeous card Vicky, I love the way you've accentuated the blue in her uniform with the blue in the flowers.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day - one of our consultants insisted on repeatedly telling us it was his birthday & he would expect us to all stop for 5 minute break so we could have a piece of cake - we had to go & buy it! No, he didn't reimburse us either (but at least he was in a good mood today). xx

  3. Oooh this is gorgeous Vicky, fab image, lush colour & fab layout xx Lizzy xx :)

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow hun xx

  4. Another lovely card Vicky and still jealous of your stamp collection!! Have a better day at work tomorow. take care Debbie x

  5. lovely card vicky, hope to day is better at work for you.

  6. Love this little image, very popular at the moment. I love the clean look and colours of this version. Di.x

  7. Another beautiful card Vicky. Adorable image and love the shades of blue and those funky flowers again.
    Hope you had a better day today :)

  8. Sorry you had a horrid day...I guess we all have to have one of those once in awhile.

    Your card is gorgeous though...if that helps make up for it. Love the image and the colours and the sweet littel nurses cap.

    When I had my surgery, the operating theatre staff kept saying how nice my surgeon was and how dedicated. Of course I only see the one view of him but even his office staff rave about him. The operation booking secretary told me that staff never leave cuz he is so nice...soooooo...
    The surgical follows raved about him and so I sort of thought he walked on water.
    The the day he was expecting to release me, he came in at 8am just like every other day but some surgical resident I had never met was in my room ytelling me that i needed to stay a few more days..(5 or6 more I think)!. My surgeon got really pissed off that this reisdent was talking to his patient and spent about 1o long minutes (maybe even longer) putting him in his place. He was right of course but i no longer thought he walked on water teeeheee!!!
    Hope you have a better days ahead for a long time!!!


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them all, hugs Vicky xx