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Tuesday 21 February 2012


Afternoon all....

As promised here is Bexx's Muppet....and isn't he just fabulous..!

It's an hand puppet and she designed him herself..

...please excuse her finger nails..tut

Close up...

So love his leather jacket..hehehe..

A Compilation...

And another view...

Bexx has called him Boa...because of his hair...(feather boa..!)

Hope you likey...and have a great evening..

Right.... where is that nail varnish remover...


Unknown said...

Like mother like daughter very artistic he's gorgeous, and a stunning card from this morning.
Chris x

Suzie's Card Den said...

Lovely pictures, you can't miss who's daughter she is... LOL.
Suzie xx

Jen Nelson said...

simply fab Vix

Ali said...

Wow!!! Brilliant - I thought it was from the Muppet movie :-) xxx

Lorraine said...

oh wow he is so cool wish i had such talents i love him xx

Ally said...

hee hee hee, I was laughing so hard... I normally don't care what people look like and I mostly do not realise odd things on others. But this time my first sight of the pictures were those finger nails :) and I thought "oooops, what's that?" and then I read your post and your "...please excuse her finger nails..tut" and I was laughing so loud! thanks for that brightening up my evening :)
It's a fabpuppet, wow, Bexx is so talented!
Hug, Alessandra (who has dreadful finger nails herself ...)

Chrissy said...

He is wonderful. love his jacket too, very clever Bexx and very apt name..


Christine L said...

Wow he's absolutely fab! Sooo cool! And I can't believe how like you Bexx is! I thought I was looking at you to start with when I hadn't looked properly... She's certainly got your gorgeous genes..

Christine x

Unknown said...

Just fab, love it! Jo xxx

Crafty Loops said...

What an amazing puppet, I love his hair and what a great name. Lee x

Jo said...

Lovely pics - your Bexx is so like you!!! Boa looks fab - love his jacket!
Jo x

~ Ali Robertson ~ said...

Oh my word Vicky what a talented daughter you have this is sensational....i want one lol

Tell very well done she has a talent there!


ali x

Sarahshandmadecardsx said...

He is a fab muppet puppet - a great name and a cool leather jacket. I love him. Sarahxx

Sue said...

He is just fabulous,what a clever couple you both are.
Sue x

sue w. said...

Clever girl, super hand puppet.
Hugs Sue W.

Maria Therese said...

Wooooooooooooooohooooooooooo he's super cool!!!!!

DesignerDiva said...

oh lol what a super little guy! Your daughter is soooooo much like you!
HUgs Laurie x

sandy's crafty bits said...

wow how cool is he ... please tell your lovely Bexx we all love him to bits ... love the pink hair and love the name what a talented young lady your daughter is ... and I sure do likey ... what is she going to do with him ? oh and what are you likey "where is that nail varnish" lol only a Mum could get away with it !!!! happy crafting and love sandy xx

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Vicky,
Thanks for cheering me up xx
I love him!
Your Daughter looks like you :))
Love, Mel. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, Bexx obviously takes after her mum and dad as you're both creative. Fab Muppet!

Just catching up on your last three cards - just gorgeous! Love all of them. Your little hedgie one is so sweet. Love the little birdcage, bird and lamp post die cuts too.

Daniele said...

gosh you two look so a like, and both of you super talented

karen said...

Oh wow he is awesome, BEX sure is talented ( like mum) and boy does she look like you !!!

Having real trouble leaving you comments Vicky, I have tried for a few days, only managed today as I logged into the new linky system, weird! Love your blue sugar nellie card earlier, hugs, Karenxxx

Debs M said...

he is fab!!!! had to laugh at the comment about the fingernails x

Wendy said...

Absolutely cool puppet, love his leather jacket, well done Bexx you are very talented just like your mum...
Gosh Vicky you are so alike.
Wendy xx

Doreen said...

*lol* like her mother ;)
It's simply fab - so cool

Doreen xx

Kat said...

Clever Bexx that is one cute muppet she's got there.

Love your card from this morning. What a talented Mum and daughter you are.

Kat xx

Mary J said...

Totally fab Vicky!

Lee said...

HEE HEE, he is Gorgeous i love his jacket n hair.Well done Bexx.xx

Andrea said...

Wow Vicky - that puppet is absolutely fabulous - your daughter is sooooooo talented!
Love, Andrea xx

heidy said...

Wow Bexx love your fabolous hand pop!
Hugs Heidy

Kathleen said...

Love it. Very pretty, Bex that is.

Kath x

Lisa said...

Hi Vicky, Tell Bexx I love him ... he's FAB!! What a talented daughter you have :-)

Lisa x

Little K Smith said...

Oh he's fabulous! :D I love his pink hair and such a cute little jacket too! :)

Creations by Shirl said...

She's a split image of you Vicky...
Oh and how talented she is too...
Must run in the whole family... said...

One word......AWESOME!!!!! xxx

Fleur said...

He's gorgeous, she's very clever
Big HUGZ Fleur xXx

Wendy Fraser said...

Brilliant! Love his biker jacket! xx

Donna Mosley said...

OMW! Bexx looks so much like you hun. Love her fab muppet.

Donna x

nancie said...

Oh, I love him, and the Jacket, cool! Must show my sweetie this.

Lisa xx said...

Oh wow, what a cool little guy! love his leather jacket - well done Bexx

Margreet said...

So gorgeous....your daughter is a copy of yours!
xxx Margreet

Craftdee said...

Wowsers!! Fab Muppet, and cool jacket; very creative Bexx. At least Bexx has got fingernails; I chew mine - now that's TUT TUT, lol.

Jules said...

What a super talented family!!!

Loving this very much. It looks amazing.

Such neat work!!!

Had to laugh at your comments re the finger-nails.

I don't think I would have noticed them. Too busy looking at all the detail on the fabulous puppet and your daughter's lovely face.

You are so alike!

Love Jules xx

Susie Sugar said...

He is gorgeous and what a fab design
Love his cool jacket

Anonymous said...

Wow this muppet is super cool! Love the leather jacket. I can't believe Bex designed it, she is very talented, like her mum and she looks just like you!
No i didn't notice the finger nails!
Have a great day.
Hugs xx

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Hi Vicky,
Wow, what a fab Muppet - so cool! Bexx is super talented to have created him, I love his hair and jacket:) Bexx is so very like you...and it was a lovely colour on Bexx's nails;) Big Hugs, Teresa xx

Aileen said...

He's fantastic. A new member of the family! x

Aileen said...

He's fantastic. A new member of the family! x

Mary said...

He is gorgeous!! And your daughter too!! She looks like you!! A talented family. Can imagine you're happy to have the family complete in the house again!!
Hugs Mary

Wendy said...

Lol love him vicky I was going to say you are so alike but reading other post it's already been said lol I can see a little cottage industry starting here lol you just need your son to make something now

Hugs Wendy

Bianca said...

No! You really tell us Boa is handmade?! I´m totaly ofer the moon! He is sooooooo very fantastic and cute! Want to cuddly him ;o) xx Bianca

Karen P said...

Hiya, wow that is one stunning puppet. You wouldn't be surprised to see him on one of the Muppet shows or one of those shows. Glorious creations hugs Karen x

Anonymous said...

Wow how cool is he, my hubby just loves the muppets and I just showed this to him and he is very jealous!!
Helen x

Unknown said...

No wonder where your girl has her talent from Vicky ;-) Runs in the family! Bexx's Muppet is awesome! That motorjacket, wow! She's one talented young lady!! Kermit is bound to become jealous, Miss Piggy, here's a new hunk ;-) Hugs, Ira x

Mau xx said...

Must have missed this post Vicky, what a Fab muffet, he is just the tops.We have some at church and Boa would put on a great show with them in his post
Bexx's is such a pretty girl, and the model of her mum :) xxxxxx