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Friday 2 September 2011


Morning all........

Hope you are all well....and it's nearly the weekend...woohoooooooo!

So onto today's creation....and it's another challenge over at Totally Papercrafts...and the theme was set by the the lovely and talented Sarah and it's..."NOT A CARD"....and I must say I always find this challenge a little' I can only make cards :os

Our fabulous sponsors for this week is...

And here is my wee creation.....

Sweetie bags ~ Using some wee digis from Pink Petticoat

Close up of image and card is a freebie from a magazine...!

Close up of image and Scrim

I hope you

Items Used

Card ~ Free from a magazine
Colouring medium ~ Spectrum Noirs
Scrim ~ Poor Steve.....!
Sweeties ~ From

Thank you for looking and all your lovely comments :o)

So please pop over to TPC....see my teamies wonderful creations cos' they are so much better then mine...!

So that's not all from me today....I'll be back laters with my Poodles Parlour DT card...and yes it is a

Catch ya laters..


Cathy said...

Fab candy bags, love those ickle gingerbread peeps ... and cola bottles are my fave LOL!!

Cathy xx

Debbie said...

How adorable, please can I pinch this idea for my Christmas Fair in November?
It would be fab.
I am away next weekend at the Harrogate show, so cannot wait now. Angie and I have a couple of workshops book too, we don't normally do that, but we thought we woudl give it a go.
Have a lovely Friday.

Anne said...

Morning Vicky
Adorable little gifts, great stuff:)
Anne x

Daniele said...

yummy, and the sweets look good to

Victoria said...

these are fab x

Janette said...

Morning Vicky, Such a fab idea and so cute too....have a lovely week-end.xx

Ciska said...

Gorgeous makes Vicky, but ..... are you sure they will make it until Christmas with those goodies inside? ;)

Christina said...

This is really gorgeous Vicky!! Great idea!!
Hugs Kristel

Debs M said...

ooh i just got these, they look fab x

Chrissy said...

I always dread the 'not a card' too, I only do square, but these sweetie bags are fabulous.
Very tasty...

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Vicky, thought you said you can only make cards??? ... these are just the sweetest!!

And ooohhh those sweets, come on now confess . . . how many did you eat whilst making these??

I this were me. . . the bags would have been empty, lol !!!

Love them, warmest wishes, Julie Ann x

Denise said...

These are brilliant - such lovely gifts. Great little images too.
Denise xx

Michelle Short said...

I love your sweetie bags Vicky, they are so cute and I love those fizzy cola/cherry bottles! lol. You have won my candy too, please could you send me your details and I'll get it out to you asap! xx

heidy said...

Looks delicious Vicky,
Hugs Heidy

McCrafty's Cards said...

These are gorgeous Vicky, Ideal for the kids.
Kevin xx

Claire said...

These are brilliant hun - great for Christmas. Hugs, Claire x

Debbie said...

Hi Vicky....great little gift bags. Really 'sweet'.
Hugs Debbie x

Feebsy said...

Wow these are so cute I think I might have to create something similar if you don't mind, they're such a great idea. Brilliant colouring as always and I adore those papers, they match so well!


Chrissie said...

Oooh just gorgeous Vicky!
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one whose heart sinks when I see the 'anything but a card' sign lol!
Loving your little Teddy Bea below too. Hadn't heard about this challenge before, so I may have to check it out.
lol Chrissie xx

Lynda said...

These are gorgeous Vicky and would look fab hung on the Tree!

Love Lynda xxx

Berry said...

Oh I love this sooooo much I may just have to use this candy idea with a halloween theme if thats ok?! Those gingerbread men are super cute! Hugs rebekah xx

Crafty Loops said...

Ohhhh yummy, what a fantastic idea. Brilliant. Lee xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
fabulous idea, gorgeous sweety bags me fav sweets to!! yum yum, have lovely weekend, sue,x

Sue B said...

Oh Wow Vicky, these are gorgeous!! what a great idea - would make fab pressies for kids and adults. I might take inspiration from these and make some, they are SO cute! Also I have loads of card toppers that I could use! LOL - you've really inspired me here!! :-))
Hugs Sue xx

Jeni said...

Love your yummy treat bags Vicky! I have gotta get some scrim, I havent been able to find it near me. Love it ~jeni :)

coops said...

aw these are so sweet vicky.gorgeous paper and images and i could just eat those fizzy cherry cola bottles :D

xx coops xx

Lisa Jane said...

oh these are fab.. just love the little images
Lisa x

Stressed Stamper said...

Thought you only make cards - love these - make the sweeties even nicer.
Have a great weekend
Sarah xx

Andrea said...

I love these little sweetie bags - a fab idea for the children at Christmas.
Love, Andrea xx

Rachael said...

Oh wow what a fab idea! Must try find some time somewhere to attempt to make some! They are such clever little gifts!
Rach :) xx

Wendy said...

These are fabulous Vicky,great gifts.
Wendy xx

Kathleen said...

These are really cute and a great idea. I would have been in a real mad panic if that was the theme for my first DT (not that i would ever be one) so I think you have done a great job here. Next time can you do Midget Gems!

Kath x

Unknown said...

OMG Vicky, these are so sweet ... I love what you did for no cards :) me too always find these themes so challenging. xx

Lorraine A said...

Fabulous sweetie bags ,, I love these ! YUM !! :-) as Rebekah said these would be great for halloween too ,, different image and sentiment of course :-)

Lols x x x

Amanda said...

Love these bags, what a fab idea and perfect for a Christmas treat

Sweetncrafty Gal said...

oooo how yummy!! i love fizzy cola bottles! what a fab funky idea for christmas! hugs carlyann xx

xxxtglxxx said...

I love this idea, not only do they look sweet and yummy but the gingerbread images are lovely too :)



Ails said...

Sweet project! Hee Hee x